Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia (JSKM) or Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences (MJHS) is a peer reviewed journal published biannually by Fakulti Sains Kesihatan (Faculty of Health Sciences) and Penerbit UKM (UKM Press). The aim of this journal is to disseminate new findings in medical and health science research and development. Articles are published in English and Malay.
JSKM is currently being indexed by:
Zoological Records (Subject Indexes on the Web of Science platform)
Asean Citation Index (ACI)
MyJurnal/MYCITE (Malaysia)
Index Copernicus International (Index Copernicus Value, ICV = 66.51 points)
Index Medicus Western Pacific Region (WPRIM)
Google Scholar - Review Citations @ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nNanTfkAAAAJ&hl=en
UDLedge Medical & Health Science Citation Index (M & HSCI)
Focus (Journals and Conference Proceedings)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Number of citations by Scopus-indexed articles on 11th of Jan 2019 are 197, 77 articles cited [SRCTITLE: Sains Kesihatan, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, J Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences, Journal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malays, Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, Sains Kesihatan]
Number of citations by WoS-indexed articles = 110 (1 st of October 2020), 58 articles cited

JSKM publishes original articles in Malay and English covering fields of medical and health sciences such as audiology, biochemistry, clinical psychology, dentistry, dietetics, medical imaging, medical radiation, radiotherapy, nutrition, forensic sciences, optometry, pharmacology, pharmacy, physiology, physiotherapy, public health, speech therapy and sports science. It also considers manuscripts describing the biology of animal models related to human health, with an emphasis given to natural and systemic biology.
JSKM International Standard Serial Numbers are 1675-8161 (Print) and 2289-4535 (Online)
Malaysian Citation Centre, MyCite Citation Report (2017): Journal IF = 0.063, Journal 5YIF = 0.048, H-Index = 3.
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17576/jskm
Vol 22, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Audiology & Speech Science
Affizal Ahmad, Malarvini Vesualingam, Mohd Normani Zakaria
Biomedical Science
Siti Aishah Sulaiman, Nor Azian Abdul Murad, Yock Ping Chow, Muhammad-Redha Abdullah-Zawawi, Zam Zureena Mohd Rani, Siti Nurmi Nasir, Salwati Shuib, Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz, Hana Azhari, Sharifah Azween Syed Omar, Zarina Abdul Latiff, Rahman Jamal
Clinical Psychology
Tengku Mohd Saifuddin Tengku Kamarulbahri, Hanisah Mohd Noor, Khairi Che Mat, Siti Hajar Mohamad Yusoff
S. Nagarajan M. P. Sockalingam, Ahmad Shuhud Irfani Zakaria
Nutrition & Dietetics
Muhammad Firdhaus Shaharudin, Siti Raihanah Shafie, Maizaton Atmadini Abdullah, Fauzah Abd Ghani, Mohd Redzwan Sabran
Nik Nur Atiqah Nasuha Ahmad Sabri, Nurul Fatin Malek Rivan, Mohd Noor Hidayat Adenan, Hasnah Haron
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Saiful Irwan Zubairi, Winnie Ngui, Zalifah Mohd Kasim, Noraziani Zainal Abidin
Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
Deepashini Harithasan, Adibah Nabilah Zulkiply