Amalan Optometris di Praktis Swasta Sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Lembah Klang: Satu Kajian Awal

Norhani Mohidin, Anisah Hashim


This survey was carried out to examine the habits of practising optometrists in private practice around Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley. A questionnaire survey was prepared that  encompassed questions on ophthalmic intruments and appliances, services offered, eye examinations carried out and patient management, failure to carry out comprehensive eye examination, community engagements and their opinion on optometrists as primary eyecare practitioners. The questionnaire was sent to 100 registered optometrists practising in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley. About 64 optometrists responded and returned the questionnaire, but 3 of them were excluded because they were incomplete. The results showed almost all optometric practice has all the  equipment related to optometry practice except for tonometer and visual field measurement. Forty-four percent (44%) of optometrists undertook comprehensive eye examinations and if necessary referred patients for further examinations. Optometrists who did not perform comprehensive eye examinations give reasons of inadequate equipment and clients who want a quick examination. In conclusion optometric practice provide almost all the equipments required for optometrists to practice as primary health care practioners but only 44% of optometrists carried out comprehensive eye examinations. Optometrists in private practice need to practice all the skills they learned and play important roles in educating the public in an effort to improve the primary eyecare of society.


optometric practice; private practice; primary health eyecare

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eISSN : 2289-4535

ISSN : 1675-8161