Piloting Digital Memory Album Project for Older Adult with Mild to Moderate Dementia in Malaysia – A Feasibility Study



Introduction: There are increasing trend in using information and communication technologies to enhance the deliverance of reminiscence work for people with dementia. Thus this study aimed to explore the feasibility of Digital Memory Album (DMA) to support reminiscence work and subsequently evaluate the psychosocial benefits of the DMA system for older adults with dementia living in community. Method: This was an exploratory case study involved five participants with mild to moderate dementia and their primary caregivers. Each participant had an opportunity to review their own life history using Life Review Experience Form (LREF) with the researcher for 8 consecutive weeks in which subsequently facilitated in development of a personalised digital life story. Caregivers provided additional information to support the development of DMA. The whole process was audio recorded. The digital life story was presented in multimedia format and displayed using the DMA. The DMA was given to the participants for review. Qualitative data was collected using semi structure questions with the participants and caregivers immediately after the completion of DMA and 6 weeks after having the DMA as a gift. Results: Analysis of the audio-records and interview data indicated that DMA promoted psychosocial wellbeing which included enjoyment, comfort, stimulate long term memory and enhanced communication and social interactions with family members and friends. Caregivers expressed the DMA helped them in recollecting the past and better understanding of their loved ones. It also reoriented their focus on their loved ones from their disability to the remaining strength. Conclusion: For the first time, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using DMA in improving the psychosocial wellbeing for people with dementia in Malaysia.


DOI : http://dx.doi.org./10.17576/JSKM-2018-44


Reminiscence; life review; people with dementia; psychosocial; ICT

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