Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Melalui Aplikasi Whatsapp dan Telegram di Universiti Swasta (Teaching and Learning Through WhatsApp and Telegram Application at a Private University)
Kaedah pembelajaran teradun semakin meluas dilaksanakan di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT) sama ada dirujuk sebagai Sistem Pengurusan Pembelajaran (LMS), e-pembelajaran atau m-pembelajaran. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk meneroka potensi WhatsApp dan Telegram dalam pembelajaran (m-pembelajaran) sebagai pelengkap kepada pengajaran bersemuka dan penggunaan portal e-pembelajaran. Analisis data berdasarkan maklum balas daripada 68 pelajar di Fakulti Pendidikan dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Selangor yang diperoleh melalui borang soal-selidik dan maklumat yang dimuatnaik diWhatsApp dan Telegram. Penjelasan dan edaran borang soal-selidik kepada pelajar dibuat pada minggu terakhir semester dan pelajar diberi tempoh 1 jam untuk melengkapkan soal-selidik. Kajian ini menunjukkan sebahagian besar daripada responden telah menggunakan telefon pintar sejak empat tahun lalu (71%), membayar kurang daripada RM100 sebulan (81%) dan memilih pelan prabayar (85%). Aplikasi popular ialah WhatsApp (n=60, 88.2%), Youtube (n=49, 72.1%), Facebook (n=47, 69.1%), Instagram (n=43, 63.2%), dan Google+ (n=36, 52.9%). Para pelajar didapati kurang didedahkan dengan m-pembelajaran, tidak bersedia serta kurang berpuashati dengan capaian Internet, ketiadaan garis-panduan, dan kaedah penilaian. Pelajar sarjana muda program kejuruteraan, sains komputer & teknologi maklumat dan bioteknologi lebih aktif terlibat dalam perbincangan dan perkongsian maklumat berbanding pendidikan.Sebahagian besar pelajar bersetuju m-pembelajaran membantu mereka untuk lebih memahami hasil pembelajaran, meningkatkan imej universiti, daya saing dan kebolehpasaran graduan.
Kata-kunci: m-pembelajaran, telefon pintar, WhatsApp dan Telegram
There are many Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL’s) in Malaysia adopted blended learning either it was referred as learning management system (LMS), e-learning or m-learning. The objective of this study is to explore the potential of developing teaching and learning methods (T&L) using WhatsApp and Telegram application as a complement to conventional face-to-face teaching and the useof E-Learning Portal. This study was carried out among 68 undergraduate students at the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, University of Selangor. Data were obtained from the questionnaire and students’ feedback and their work during each lesson of WhatsApp and Telegram learning sessions. Results of this study showed that most of the students (71%) have been using the smartphone for the past four years, 81% paid less than RM100 a month for their bill, and 85% were on a prepaid plan. The most popular application that they used daily were WhatsApp (n=60, 88.2%), YouTube (n=49, 72.1%), Facebook (n=47, 69.1%), Instagram (n=43, 63.2%), and Google+ (n=36, 52.9%). Further analysis discovered that the students were moderately exposed to e-learning and not ready to accept it as their learning method, less satisfied with internet facilities, the guidelines and assessment on e-learning but highly agreed that e-learning has helped them raise their awareness and insights in achieving course learning outcomes (CLO’s). Students from other faculties are more actively involved in discussion and sharing information as compared to diploma as well as first degree students of the targeted faculty. Overall, most of the students believed that e-learning may further heighten the university’s image to the stakeholder, community as well as industries, and thus elevating the graduates employability.
Keywords : m-learning, smartphone, WhatsApp and Telegram applications
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