Mengawal Risiko Wabak Covid-19: Analisis Undang-Undang Berkaitan Penginapan Bagi Pekerja Pembinaan di Malaysia (Controlling the Risk of Covid-19 Outbreak: A Legal Analysis of the Accommodation for Construction Workers in Malaysia)

Farasyeriza Md Zabani, Jady Zaidi Hassim


A total of 1,746,524 individuals in Malaysia have been infected with the COVID-19 virus. The number of deaths recorded as of 31st August 2021 was 16,604 people, and that number will continue to increase. Among the causes and risks of the rapid spread of this epidemic is through the crowded workplace environment, especially among construction workers. This article aims to examine the extent to which the existing legal provisions in Malaysia regarding the provision of accommodation for construction workers are effective in controlling the risk of COVID-19 virus transmission. It also assesses the challenges to compliance with the existing legal provisions. The article adopted qualitative methods through content analysis to evaluate the legal provisions and guidelines related to accommodation for construction workers in Malaysia. The findings have identified several challenges and additional aspects to ensure that relevant laws can protect the health and well-being of construction workers. Several appropriate improvement actions in controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the accommodation of construction workers are also proposed so that the needs of workers who have contributed to the country’s economic development are guaranteed.



Seramai 1,746,524 individu di Malaysia telah dijangkiti virus COVID-19. Jumlah kematian yang dicatatkan setakat 31 Ogos 2021 adalah seramai 16,604 orang, dan jumlah tersebut akan terus meningkat. Antara punca dan risiko penularan wabak ini dengan cepat ialah melalui persekitaran tempat pekerjaan yang sesak, khususnya dalam kalangan pekerja binaan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sejauh manakah peruntukan undang-undang sedia ada di Malaysia berkenaan penyediaan tempat penginapan pekerja binaan berkesan dalam mengawal risiko penularan virus COVID-19. Ia juga akan menilai cabaran terhadap pematuhan kepada peruntukan undang-undang sedia ada yang berkaitan. Dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melalui analisis kandungan, artikel ini akan menilai peruntukan undang-undang dan garis panduan yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan tempat penginapan pekerja binaan di Malaysia. Dapatan telah mengenalpasti beberapa cabaran dan aspek tambahan perlu disenaraikan bagi memastikan undang-undang berkaitan boleh melindungi tahap kesihatan dan kesejahteraan para pekerja binaan. Beberapa tindakan penambahbaikan yang bersesuaian dalam mengawal penularan virus COVID-19 di tempat penginapan pekerja binaan juga dicadangkan agar keperluan pekerja yang telah menyumbang kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara ini terjamin.

Kata kunci: COVID-19; wabak; tempat penginapan; pekerja binaan; peruntukan undang-undang


COVID-19; epidemics; accommodation; construction workers; legal provisions

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