Pengiktirafan Hak Orang Asal di sisi Undang-undang: Analisis Perbandingan antara Malaysia dengan Filipina dan New Zealand (Legal Recognition of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples: A Comparative Analysis between Malaysia, the Philippines, and New Zealand)

Rohaida Nordin


The rights of indigenous peoples have been recognized in international law, predominantly under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Nevertheless, the recognition of such rights at the domestic level varies according to the laws and practices of each country. Accordingly, the main objective of this article is to comparatively analyze the legal recognition of the rights of the indigenous peoples between Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia, Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICC/IP) in the Philippines and the Maori in New Zealand. This article adopts a socio-legal methodology and analyzes the data qualitatively. This article finds that the position of recognition of the rights of indigenous people in New Zealand and the Philippines is better than the recognition of the rights of Aboriginal peoples in Peninsular Malaysia. Thus, the current study proposes an improvement in terms of legislation to recognize the rights of Aboriginal peoples, such as the amendments to the APA and empower the role of JAKOA. In conclusion, this article can significantly contribute to the sustainable development of the Orang Asli.


Hak orang asal telah mendapat pengiktirafan di sisi undang-undang antarabangsa khususnya di bawah Deklarasi PBB mengenai Hak Orang Asal (DHOA). Sungguhpun begitu, pengiktirafan hak berkenaan di peringkat domestik adalah berbeza mengikut undang-undang dan amalan negara masing-masing. Sehubungan dengan itu, objektif utama artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis secara perbandingan pengiktirafan hak orang asal di sisi undang-undang antara Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia, Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICC/IP) di Filipina dan masyarakat Maori, di New Zealand. Penulisan ini menggunakan kaedah sosio-perundangan dan menganalisis data secara kualitatif. Artikel ini mendapati bahawa kedudukan pengiktirafan hak masyarakat Maori di New Zealand dan ICC/IP Filipina adalah lebih baik berbanding pengiktirafan hak Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia. Justeru, artikel ini mengemukakan cadangan dari segi perundangan untuk menambahbaik pengiktirafan hak Orang Asli seperti cadangan pindaan AOA dan memperkasakan peranan JAKOA. Kesimpulannya, artikel ini dapat memberi sumbangan yang signifikan dari segi perundangan ke arah pembangunan lestari Orang Asli.

Kata kunci: DHOA; orang asal; Orang Asli; Maori; ICC; undang-undang antarabangsa


DHOA; indigenous people; aboriginal people; Maori; Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs); international law

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