Authorship: The maximum number of authors allowed for an article is three. The corresponding author is required to copy (or CC) the journal submission to all other co-authors at every stage. Adding new author(s) is not allowed after the article is fully accepted for publication.

Originality: Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be original contributions to their field and should only be the work of the stated author(s). Manuscripts should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time, or to be already published.

Language: The journal accepts manuscripts written in English or Malay. The author may use either English or American spelling preferences, provided that only one style is used (consistently) throughout the manuscript (exclusive of bibliography). When an article is submitted in a language not the author(s) own, is imperative that the author(s) ensure the quality of the written language by seeking professional editing services. Author(s) may be required to provide a certificate confirming that their manuscripts have been adequately edited. All editing costs must be borne by the author(s).  Editor-in-Chief can provide information with regard to editing.

Manuscript: Articles should be no less than 6000 words and no more than 8000. Review articles should fall between 6000 and 7000 words. Book reviews should fall between 650 and 850 words. The number of words does not include tables, figures and annexes.

To facilitate the review process, the author`s details are not to be included in the manuscript. Please attach a separate page which carries the following information:

1. Name of the author(s).

2. Title of the article. Where articles are submitted in Malay/Bahasa Indonesia, the title should also be provided in English.

3. Abstract of the article (150 – 200 words max). Where articles are submitted in Malay/Bahasa Indonesia, an abstract should also be provided in English.

4. Institutional address.

5. Author(s) email(s) and contact details.

6. 5-6 relevant keywords.

7. A short author biographical note (50 words max).    

8. Statement of the exact length of the article.

Articles, review articles and book reviews should be double spaced (including notes and references).

Quotations: Quoted words, phrases and sentences should be enclosed in double quotation marks. Quotations within quotations should be enclosed in single quotation marks. Italicize non-English terms or phrases in manuscripts written in English, and italicize non-Malay terms or phrases in manuscripts written in Malay/Bahasa Indonesia. Quotations may be either run-in or, in the case of quotations which are four lines or longer, set off from the text as block quotations.

Table, Diagrams, and Maps: To facilitate the typesetting process, tables should be uploaded as separate files. Any diagrams or maps should be in .TIF or .JPG formats and submitted in separate individual files. These should be prepared in black and white. Tints should be avoided; use patterns instead.

References, Notes and Citations:  Notes should be kept to a minimum. Use endnotes, not footnotes. All notes should be numbered in sequence 1, 2, 3…, and double spaced. In-text citation should be in the form of endnotes.  It is the author`s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the reference.  For all articles, a list of references cited must be supplied at the end of the manuscript in the form of a bibliography. When the bibliography lists several works by the same author, his or her name should not be repeated.

If there is more than one work published by the same author, these works should be listed in chronological sequence. If there is more than one work published by the same author in the same year, these works should be distinguished by an `a`, `b`, `c`, etc. after the year (the order of the work).

Please refer to the examples below:

Endnotes and Bibliography:

Monographs or Books:

Hussin, N., 2007. Trade and Society in the Straits of Melaka: Dutch Melaka and English Penang 1780-1830, Copenhagen: NIAS Press.

Keohane, R.O., 1989. International Institutions and State Power, Boulder, Colo: Westview Press. 

Sity Daud and Zarina Othman (eds.), 2005. Politik dan Keselamatan,  Bangi:  Penerbit UKM.   

Chapters in Edited Books

Boli-Bennett, J.,1979. “The ideology of expanding state authority in national constitution 1870-1970”. In J. Smith (ed.), National Development and the World System, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp.222-237. 

Moorthy, R., 2012. “Malaysia, Indian Ocean and IOR-ARC: Balancing Security and Economic Objectives”. In V. Shakhuja (ed.), Reinvigorating IOR-ARC, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, pp.106-122.

Zarina Othman, 2009.  “Human Security Concepts, Debates and Approaches in Southeast Asia”. In G. Brauch, U.O. Spring, J. Grin, C. Mesjaz, P.K. Mbote, N.C. Behera, B. Chourou and H. Krummenacher (eds.), Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts (Vol. 4),  Germany:  AFES-Springer Press, pp.1037-1048.

Article in a journal:       

Carlsnaes, W., 1992. “The agency-structure problem in foreign policy analysis”, International Studies Quarterly, 36, 245-270. 

Moorthy, R and Benny, G., 2012. “Is an ‘ASEAN Community’ Achievable? A Public Perception Analysis in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore on the Perceived Obstacles to Regional Security”, Asian Survey, 52(6), 1043-1066.

Newspaper/Magazines Article

Gunasegaran, P. 2006. Overworked students: give the kids chance to relax.  New Straits Times, 21 February: 20.

Hashnan Abdullah. 2006. Mangsa tragedy asrama runtuh selamat pulang.  Utusan Malaysia, 2 Februari: 3.

Online References

Crane, N. 1997. Electronic sources: MLA style of citation. [31 Julai 2000].

Kawasaki, J.L. 1996. Computer administered surveys in extension. Journal of Extension  33(3): 204-210. [18 November 1999].


Ku Boon Dar


Jebat also provides a platform for the publication of special issues/sections published together with regular issues. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief for further information.

Copyright: Copyright of articles accepted for publication in the Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies rests with the publisher. It is the author`s responsibility to ensure that where copyright materials are included within an article the permission of the copyright holder has been obtained beforehand.



Manuscripts should be submitted to:

JEBAT: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, 
History, Politics and Securities Research Centre (POSH),
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
National University of Malaysia,
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Selangor, Malaysia.

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Contributors should submit their articles in an electronic format as a Microsoft Word file (email to All submissions should follow the journal’s guidelines.