Geospatial assessment of healthcare distribution and population density in Sri Aman, Sarawak, Malaysia

Luqman Haqim Bismelah, Tarmiji Masron, Azizul Ahmad, Asykal Syakinah Mohd Ali, Daniel Ugih Echoh


In Malaysia, particularly in Sarawak, rural areas face significant obstacles in accessing quality healthcare, necessitating oversight and targeted interventions to ensure rural populations receive medical attention comparable to urban areas. Thus, this study focuses on the Sri Aman Division to address healthcare disparities and promote balanced policy implementation in Sarawak. Geographical discrepancy in healthcare access exists within the rural areas, making it difficult for the residents to access healthcare services, particularly if they live in remote areas. This study aims to provide visual definitions of access to healthcare services that has been hampered by the distance between healthcare institutions and rural areas. Hence, the interpretation of distribution and density was conducted with a spatial analysis method. Using the spatial analysis tool, Geographic Information System (GIS), the regions where healthcare services are lacking accessibility can be identified, and the existing data of Sri Aman Land Use will be utilized and explored in the analysis tool. The findings reveal significant disparities in healthcare service distribution, with remote areas suffering from limited access and only being able to support minor ailments. Critical areas requiring urgent interventions were identified, such as those served by Ng. Patoh, Stamang, and Ng. Delok clinics. Large facilities like Sri Aman Health Clinic play a crucial role in serving the largest populations within a 10KM radius. These insights highlight the need for targeted interventions and resource distribution adjustments to reduce healthcare service management risks in Sarawak, including exploring telehealth, innovative delivery models, financial support, policy reforms, and workforce development.


Keywords: Geographic Information System, healthcare distribution, population, spatial analysis


Geographic Information System, healthcare distribution, population, spatial analysis

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