Tinjauan kajian empirikal mengenai komuniti pembelajaran profesional di Malaysia (2010-2020): Dapatan dan tema (A review of empirical research on professional learning communities in Malaysia (2010-2020): Findings and themes)

Victor Jibson Anthony Idi, Zuraidah Abdullah, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla


Komuniti pembelajaran profesional (KPP) telah berkembang dan menarik minat sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia sebagai salah satu amalan bagi meningkatkan pembelajaran guru. Selain itu, KPP dilihat dapat membina kapasiti dan kemampanan sistem pendidikan agar boleh maju ke hadapan seiring dengan kehendak global pada masa kini. Walaupun konsep KPP agak baru di Malaysia, namun ia mula bertapak dalam sistem pendidikan sejak sedekad yang lepas. Artikel ini membincangkan perkembangan kajian empirikal KPP di Malaysia dari 2010 hingga bulan Jun 2020. Tinjauan yang menggunakan sintesis naratif ini mendapati pengkaji menggunakan pelbagai dimensi untuk menerangkan konsep KPP, amalan KPP di pelbagai peringkat sekolah, peranan pemimpin dan isu yang wujud dalam KPP. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian mengenai KPP di Malaysia masih kurang berbanding literatur barat. Pengkaji mencadangkan agar banyak lagi kajian empirikal mengenai pembangunan dan hasil daripada amalan KPP dijalankan di Malaysia agar KPP  dapat melangkah ke hadapan sebagai satu budaya untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran guru supaya mampu memberikan impak kepada pembelajaran murid.

Kata kunci: Isu dan cabaran, komuniti pembelajaran profesional, kajian empirikal Malaysia, pembangunan konsep, sekolah Malaysia

Professional learning communities (PLC) have evolved and attracted the interest of the global education system as one of the ways to improve teacher’s learning. Besides, PLC is seen to be able to build the capacity and the sustainability of the education system to move forward with the current global demands. Although the PLC term is rather new in Malaysia, it has been established in the education system for the past decade. This article will discuss the progress of PLC empirical studies from 2010 to Jun 2020. This review through a narrative synthesis has found that researchers have adapted different dimensions and models to represent the concept of PLC, school’s practices of PLC in school, leadership roles and issues arising from PLC. However, research on PLC in Malaysia is still limited compared to western literature. Thus, the researcher proposes that more empirical studies should be done especially on the development and impact from the practices of PLC in Malaysia from all perspectives for PLC to progress forward to become a sustainable culture to improve teachers’ learning and positive student’s learning.

Keywords: Issues and challenges, professional learning communities, Malaysia empirical research, concept development, Malaysian school 


Isu dan cabaran; komuniti pembelajaran profesional; kajian empirikal Malaysia; pembangunan konsep; sekolah Malaysia

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