Aktiviti berbasikal: Pemangkin Kelestarian Kampus (Cycling Activities: A Catalyst for Maintaining Campus Sustainability)

Harifah Mohd Noor, Marja Azlima, Rosmiza M.Z.


Mengekalkan kelestarian kampus adalah salah satu cabaran dalam kehidupan warga kampus. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) telah mengorak langkah mengamalkan kehidupan kampus berlandaskan EcoCampus sejak tahun 2013. Pengunaan basikal diperkenalkan sebagai pemangkin kepada kehijauan kampus UMS. Kaji selidik dijalankan terhadap 300 pelajar UMS meliputi pelbagai unit kediaman (kolej), fakulti dan peringkat tahun pengajian pelajar berdasarkan kaedah persampelan rawak berstrata. Analisis data menggunakan kaedah deskriptif dan inferensi menerusi frekuensi, skor min purata dan khi kuasa dua. Tujuan kajian adalah mengenal pasti ciri, faktor dan kekangan penggunaan mod pengangkutan alternatif ini dalam kalangan pelajar UMS. Penemuan kajian menunjukkan kebanyakan pelajar wanita yang menginap di kampus dan merupakan pelajar tahun akhir pengajian peringkat sarjana muda didapati mendominasi penggunaan basikal di kampus. Kekerapan penggunaan basikal bertujuan untuk beriadah. Kesedaran terhadap faktor kesihatan adalah pemangkin utama penggunaan basikal, diikuti kesedaran penjagaan alam sekitar dan kebolehsampaian yang tinggi.  Namun faktor cuaca, keselamatan dan kekurangan infrastruktur penyumbang utama basikal sukar dijadikan sebagai mod alternatif di kampus. Penambahbaikan infrastruktur dan mempergiatkan kempen penggunaan basikal dikalangan warga kampus dapat membantu peningkatan penggunaan basikal serta mengekalkan kelestarian kampus UMS.


Kata kunci: aktiviti berbasikal, alam sekitar, basikal, eco-campus, kelestarian kampus, mod alternatif



Cycling Activities: A Catalyst for Maintaining Campus Sustainability





Maintaining a sustainable campus is one of the many challenges in the life of those who live on campus. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has paved the way to practice the concept of Ecocampus living since the year 2013. The use of bicycles is introduced as the catalyst to promote ‘greening UMS campus’. Based on stratified random sampling, a total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to students from various residential colleges, faculties in different stages/year of their study. The collected data was analysed using descriptive methodology and inferences through frequency and average mean score and Chi-Square. The objective of this study is to identify the various factors that affect the use of an alternative mode of transportation amongst UMS students. The finding shows that most of the female students that lived on campus and in their final year (undergraduate) dominated the use of bicycles on campus. And, the most frequent use of bicycle is for leisure cycling.  Health awareness is the primary factor that encourages the use of bicycles on campus, followed by environmental awareness and accessibility. On the other hand, weather conditions, security issues and lack of facilities are identified as the main hindrances. This study suggests that an increased effort to improve infrastructure and the initiatives to intensify campaigns promoting the use of bicycles on campus should be carried out as such measures would ultimately contribute to maintaining a sustainable campus.

Keywords: cycling activity, environment, bicycle, eco-campus, sustainable campus, alternative mode


aktiviti berbasikal; alam sekitar; basikal; ecoKampus; kelestarian kampus; mod alternatif

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