Determinants of Circular Economy Behavioural Intentions Among Malaysian Youth: Investigating The Roles of Structural, Socio-Psychological, and Communication Factors in the Digital Marketplace

Siti Haslina Hussin, Dayang Aizza Maisha Abang Ahmad, Ammar Redza Ahmad Rizal


This study explores the influence of structural, socio-psychological, and communication factors on circular economy behavioural intentions among young adults in Malaysia. Employing a cross-sectional quantitative survey methodology, data were collected from 220 respondents aged 18-40. The findings reveal weak positive correlations between the examined factors and circular economy adoption intentions. Structural factors, which encompass cultural and relational aspects of social structure; socio-psychological factors, including attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control; and communication factors, such as bi-directional communication and opinion seeking, all play a role in shaping young adults' intentions to engage in circular economy practices. However, the weak correlations indicate that a comprehensive approach targeting multiple factors may be necessary to effectively promote circular economy adoption. The study highlights the need for future research to explore the interplay between these factors and investigate potential moderators and mediators that may strengthen the relationship between the studied variables and circular economy behavioural intentions. The findings contribute to the understanding of the drivers behind circular economy behavioural intentions and provide valuable insights for policymakers and organisations aiming to foster sustainable practices among young adults in the digital marketplace. The study underscores the importance of adopting a holistic approach that addresses structural, socio-psychological, and communication factors to create an enabling environment for circular economy engagement.


Keywords: Circular economy, communication, youth, Malaysia, digital marketplace.

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