The Impact of Fast-Food Video Advertisements Through the Eyes of Young Creative Industry Practitioners

Pei Ying Woon


Video advertising has become a crucial marketing strategy for fast-food restaurants. While previous studies have identified factors influencing video advertisement effectiveness, but these factors have yet to be investigated in light of current market preferences, which are dominanting by a fresh wave of young audiences. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the fast-food video advertisements effectiveness in today’s market, specifically through the eyes of young creative industry practitioners. This study employed factors including content engagement, emotional arousal, information trustworthiness, and visual characteristics, to assess the effectiveness of fast-food video advertisements. Informant interview was utilized in the study and the sample size is determined by the point at which data saturation is achieved. In this study, data saturation was reached with the collection of information from six interviewees that fulfilled the sampling criteria. The collected data underwent analysis using NVivo, involving coding and thematic analysis. The findings have substantiated strong relationships between visual attractiveness and content engagement, and fast-food video advertisements effectiveness. However, it was determined that emotional arousal and information trustworthiness do not have a significant relationship with the fast-food advertisements effectiveness. Overall, this study contributes valuable insights for advertising agencies and offers a theoretical enhancement to existing models.

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