Political and Intercultural Communication in Determining Presidential Candidates in the Indonesian Elections 2024

Lely Arrianie, Puji Lestari, Meranti ., Dyaloka Puspita Ningrum


This study explores the dynamics of political communication in Indonesia, focusing on the 2024 presidential elections. As the country prepares for the presidential election in February 2024, since the general election is a form of post-reformation democratic process implementation that began in 1998, the process of forming political coalitions has become a significant aspect of the political landscape. Utilizing a phenomenological approach, the research examines the interplay between three distinct political cultures—parochial, subject, and participant—and their influence on voter engagement and candidate selection. Through in-depth interviews and participatory observation, the study reveals how political parties can tailor their communication strategies to resonate with diverse voter segments, thereby enhancing electoral participation and fostering a more inclusive democratic process. The findings highlight significant implications for political actors and scholars alike. By recognizing the unique characteristics and needs of each political culture, parties can develop effective coalition-building strategies that bridge cultural divides and mobilize support across Indonesia's heterogeneous electorate. This research not only fills existing gaps in the literature regarding the role of intercultural communication in Indonesian politics but also provides practical recommendations for political parties aiming to improve their engagement with voters. Ultimately, the study underscores the critical importance of adaptive communication strategies in promoting a more informed, engaged, and representative democratic system in Indonesia.


Keywords: Elections, intercultural communication, political communication, political parties, presidential candidate.



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