Pengaruh rangkaian pengangkutan Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) berkualiti terhadap kualiti hidup pengguna (The influence of a quality transportation network of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) on users' quality of life)

Rosmiati Ahmad, Noordeyana Tambi


Sektor pengangkutan memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam kehidupan seharian masyarakat bagi memenuhi tuntutan keperluan pengangkutan masyarakat moden di kawasan bandar yang mengutamakan kepantasan dalam urusan kehidupan. Oleh itu, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) diperkenalkan sebagai pengangkutan alternatif moden dan mampan kepada orang ramai. Namun begitu, kelemahannya dari segi aksesibiliti, mobiliti dan ketersambungan perkhidmatan seperti mana yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar dan internet. Perkara ini telah menjejaskan urusan harian pengguna untuk bekerja, belajar, membeli-belah, berhibur dan berekreasi serta lain-lain aktiviti kehidupan seharian mereka. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tahap prestasi rangkaian pengangkutan awam MRT dan menganalisis hubungan serta pengaruhnya terhadap kualiti hidup pengguna. Kajian mengaplikasikan Konsep CAM (connectivity, accessibility and mobility) bagi mengukur prestasi rangkaian perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam dan ketiga-tiga elemen tersebut dipilih untuk mengukur rangkaian pengangkutan awam yang berkualiti, cekap dan efisien serta saling melengkapi dan berhubung antara satu sama lain. Kajian kuantitatif menggunakan borang soal selidik melibatkan 386 pengguna MRT Laluan Kajang dan MRT Laluan Putrajaya sebagai responden berdasarkan kaedah persampelan bertujuan. Keputusan analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahawa tahap mobiliti dan kelancaran ketersambungan perkhidmatan MRT adalah sangat tinggi berbanding aksesibiliti perkhidmatan tersebut yang berada pada tahap tinggi. Manakala dapatan analisis inferensi menunjukkan hubungan dan pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif antara aksesibiliti, mobiliti dan kelancaran ketersambungan dengan kualiti hidup pengguna perkhidmatan tersebut. Kesimpulannya, perkhidmatan MRT mempunyai tahap rangkaian pengangkutan yang sangat baik, berkualiti dan efisien memenuhi keperluan pengangkutan pengguna perkhidmatan tersebut. Justeru, pihak penyedia perkhidmatan dan PBT perlu memastikan usaha berterusan diambil bagi mengekalkan dan meningkatkan lagi tahap prestasi rangkaian pengangkutan MRT terutamanya dari segi aksesibiliti perkhidmatan tersebut kepada pengguna.


Kata kunci: Aksesibiliti, kualiti hidup, mobiliti, MRT, pengangkutan awam, perkhidmatan awam 

The transportation sector plays a significant role in the community’s daily life in order to meet the transport needs of modern society in urban areas that emphasized fast-paced lifestyle, Therefore, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) was introduced as a modern and sustainable alternative transport for the public. However, weaknessess in terms of accessibility, mobility and service connectivity as reported in the press and the internet, have affected the daily affairs of users for work, study, shopping, entertainment and recreation as well as other activities of their daily life. Therefore, this study aims to find out the level of performance of the MRT public transport network, then analyse the relationship and its influence on the quality of life of its users. This study applies the CAM Concept (connectivity, accessibility and mobility) to measure the performance of the public transport service network and the said three elements were chosen because they form a quality and efficient public transport network and its complement as well as connect with each other. This quantitative approached through a questionnaire involving 386 users of MRT Kajang Line and MRT Putrajaya Line as respondents based on purposive sampling method. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the level of mobility and seamless connectivity of the MRT service is very high compared to the accessibility of the service which is only at a high level. While the findings of the inference analysis show a significant and positive relationship and influence between accessibility, mobility and seamless connectivity with the quality of life of its users. The conclusion shows that the MRT service has a very good level of transportation network as it offers a quality and efficient services, therefore meeting the transportation needs of its users. Therefore, service providers and local authorities need to ensure that continuous efforts are taken to maintain and further improve the level of performance of the MRT transport network, especially in terms of the accessibility of the service to users.


Keywords: Accessibility, quality of life, mobility, MRT, public transportation, public services 


Aksesibiliti, kualiti hidup, mobiliti, MRT, pengangkutan awam, perkhidmatan awam (Accessibility, quality of life, mobility, MRT, public transportation, public services)

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