Study of healthy architecture in integrated clinical architectural design

Aprodita Emma Yetti, Syazwani Ahmad, Jauharoh Pancawati


This study examines the Healthy Architecture approach and its application in processing clinical architectural designs that respond to the pandemic. This study's results contribute to architectural ideas and reference materials that are easy to understand and can be used to consider the development of clinical architecture in Indonesia that responds to the pandemic. The issue behind this research is the existence of a global pandemic. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the architectural order, especially for the architecture of health facilities such as health centers, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals. The clinic is one of the health facilities that are the first level service center to improve the quality of public health. Currently, clinics are also the front line during a pandemic in Indonesia before patients deliver to advanced health facilities such as hospitals. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that describes implementing the healthy architecture approach in clinical architectural design. In the research process, the researcher reviewed several relevant pieces of literature. Then, during the analysis process, the author tries to connect the relationships between the literature to conclude the variables used in producing research conclusions. Healthy architecture is applied to produce a healthy, effective, optimal architecture in its application to the clinic's environment and the patient's healing process. The scope of achievements from the implementation of the healthy architecture is the idea of a healthy and practical design, both physical comfort, user behavior, and social. This application aims to support the patient's healing process and support the performance of medical personnel at the clinic during a pandemic and in the future.


Keywords: Architecture, healing, healthy architecture, health facilities, pandemic, the clinic



Architecture, healing, healthy architecture, health facilities, pandemic, the clinic

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