Makna penyertaan dalam program pembangunan komuniti : Satu tinjauan dari sudut pandangan dunia komuniti Bidayuh luar bandar (The meaning of participation in community development programmes: A world-view survey of the rural Bidayuh community)

N. Lyndon, S. Selvadurai, A.C Er, Zaimah R, Mohd Fuad Mat Jali, Junaidi Awang Besar, Sarmila M.S, Habibah A, Hamzah J, Hasnah A, Richard M, Mohd Yusof Hussain


Kajian ini adalah tentang perbezaan antara makna penyertaan yang dikonseptualisasikan oleh agen pentadbir (tahap makro) dengan persepsi penyertaan dan keperkasaan yang dikonstruk berdasarkan pandangan dunia komuniti Bidayuh itu sendiri (tahap mikro). Jurang teoritikal adalah isu yang hendak diterokai dan dibincangkan dalam makalah ini. Bagi tujuan itu, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan tafsiran logik abduktif berasaskan ontologi idealis dan epistemologi konstruksionis. Kajian ini dijalankan di Daerah Serian, Sarawak. Menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan, sejumlah 50 orang informan telah ditemu bual secara mendalam diikuti dengan perbincangan kumpulan secara tak formal. Hasil kajian mendapati penyertaan yang difahami oleh komuniti Bidayuh tidak terhad di peringkat pelaksanaan sahaja tetapi turut melibatkan peringkat yang lain seperti perancangan, penilaian dan pemantauan. Selain itu, ia turut melibatkan kemampuan mereka dalam memahami, menginterpretasi masalah yang dihadapi dan kemudiannya mentakrifkan keperluan serta menterjemahkannya kepada proses tindakan melalui penyertaan dalam organisasi itu sendiri.

Katakunci: komuniti Bidayuh, pandangan dunia, pembuatan keputusan, penyertaan, perlaksanaan, program

The present study is on the difference between the meaning of participation and empowerment conceptualised by the administrative agents (macro-level) with the perception of participation and empowerment constructed from the world-view of the Bidayuh community itself (micro-level). This theoretical gap is to be explored in this study. Accordingly, this study will use the interpretative approach using abductive logic based on idealist ontology and constructionist epistemology. This study was conducted in the Serian District, Sarawak. Using purposive sampling technique a total of 50 respondents were interviewed in-depth and informal group discussions were conducted. The findings show that participation as perceived by the Bidayuh community is not only limited to implementation levels, but also involves other levels such as planning, evaluation and monitoring. In addition, it also involves their capability in understanding, interpreting problems that are faced, and subsequently defining the needs as well as translating the meaning of these needs into the process of action through participation in the organisation itself.

Keywords: Bidayuh community, decision making, implementation, participation, programme, world-view

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