Faktor penghijrahan dan penumpuan bekas banduan di Jalan Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur (Factor of migration and convergence of former prisoners in Chow Kit Road, Kuala Lumpur)

Alif Jasni, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah, Jal Zabdi Mohd Yusoff, Khariyah Md. Shahid, Noralina Omar, Zaiton Azman


Penghijrahan bekas banduan dari tempat asal ke kawasan baru berlaku atas pelbagai sebab penolakan yang wujud dari tempat asal. Kesan penghijrahan ini membawa kepada penumpuan bekas banduan yang ramai di suatu tempat yang sama. Kajian yang dilakukan ini telah mendapati berlakunya penumpuan bekas banduan di sekitar Jalan Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur. Situasi yang berlaku ini amat membimbangkan apabila pengaruh jenayah boleh berlaku secara berterusan. Penumpuan rakan senasib akan mengalakkan aktiviti jenayah dan pengulangan jenayah lama seperti mencuri, merompak, meragut, mengambil dadah dan sebagainya. Oleh itu, sistem keadilan jenayah di Malaysia akan sering menemui kegagalan dalam memulihkan bekas banduan. Bekas banduan akan tetap kembali kepada sikap dan tingkah laku yang sama akibat jenis pergaulan yang dipilih. Temu bual mendalam telah dilakukan ke atas 16 orang bekas banduan yang mempunyai masalah ketagihan dadah tanpa mengira jenis kesalahan lepas. Analisis kajian telah memperlihatkan kecenderungan bekas banduan untuk berhijrah dari tempat asal dan rumah keluarga akibat daripada penolakan keluarga dan juga stigma yang wujud di tempat asal mereka. Dapatan kajian ini berupaya membekalkan maklumat dalam membuktikan punca penghijrahan bekas banduan di suatu tempat yang sama iaitu dalam kajian ini ialah di sekitar Jalan Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur. Penemuan ini dapat menyumbangkan hasil dapatan yang baru kepada sistem keadilan jenayah di Malaysia tentang penghijrahan dan penumpuan bekas banduan di suatu kawasan yang sama serta kesan-kesan yang boleh berlaku daripada penumpuan bekas banduan ini.

Kata kunci: bekas banduan, faktor penarik, faktor penolak, jenayah, penghijrahan, penumpuan

The migration of former prisoners from their place of origin to a new area is due to various reasons of rejection in the origin place. The effect of this migration lead to a convergence of many former prisoners to the same place. In this study, the occurrence of convergence of former prisoners can be seen around Jalan Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur. This situation is very alarming due to exposure to the influence of crime on a continuous basis. The convergence of ex-convict friends will encourage criminal activity and repetition of old crimes such as stealing, robbing, snatching, taking drugs and other illegal activities. Therefore, the criminal justice system in Malaysia will often fail to rehabilitate the former prisoners. The former prisoners will still return to their old habits and behaviours due to the type of association he chooses. In-depth interviews were conducted on 16 former prisoners who had drug addiction problems regardless of the type of past offence. Preliminary analysis of the study indicates a tendency to migrate from family home as a result of family rejection and stigma that exists in their places of origin. The findings of this study were to provide information in proving the cause of the migration of former prisoners into the same place, as as shown in this study was around Chow Kit Street, Kuala Lumpur. This research has contributed to new understanding regarding the criminal justice system in Malaysia on migration and convergence of ex-convicts in the same area as well as the effects that may have arisen from the convergence of former prisoners.

Keywords: former prisoner, pull factor, push factor, crime, migration, convergence



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