
Article Processing Charge (APC) UPDATE 2025


Beginning 15th March 2025, manuscripts that are accepted for publication in GEMA Online®️Journal of Language Studies will be published subject to the following Article Processing Charges (APC).

1. Manuscript by authors from Malaysia – MYR 1,300.00
2. Manuscript by authors from countries other than Malaysia – MYR 2,900.00

Posted: 2025-03-15 More...

Article Processing Charge (APC) UPDATE 2024


Beginning 15th FEBRUARY 2024, Manuscripts that are accepted for publication in GEMA Online®️ Journal of Language Studies will be published subject to the following Article Processing Charges (APC)- (English & Malay manuscript).

1. Manuscript by authors from Malaysia - MYR1000.00
2. Manuscript by authors from countries other than Malaysia - USD 500


Posted: 2024-02-15 More...





  • Manuscripts should not be less than 5000 words and not more than 7000 words (excluding abstract, references, author/s biodata and appendix). Manuscripts that do not adhere to this will not be considered for review. Each manuscript must have an abstract (between 200-250 words) and 5 key words. Manuscripts in Malay must have an abstract and title in English with similar abstract content.
  • Authors are required to send their manuscript in word (.docx) AND portable document (.pdf) formats.
  • To facilitate the blind review process, please ensure that the authors’ names do not appear anywhere in the manuscript or in the filename. Authors’ names, designations and institutional addresses should be in a separate file. Please indicate the corresponding author of the manuscript : Nor Fariza Mohd Nor a* Afendi Hamat b
  • Authors are to check manuscripts for accuracy of language before submitting to the journal. The Editorial Board will not edit submitted manuscripts for style or language.
  • Submissions with 5 or more authors: The role of each author must be clearly spelled out at the end of the article. For example, “KS designed and ran all the experimental trials…” ,
  • Manuscripts submitted to GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in electronic or printed form. The corresponding author should declare this when submitting the manuscripts  to the Chief Editor.
  • Upon submission of a manuscript, the author/authors are to provide the editorial board with names of three reviewers from different institutions, complete with their addresses, designations and email addresses.
  • We do not allow multiple submissions. An author may publish ONLY in alternate issues of GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies. The rule remains in case of co-authorship.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial changes to any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity and style.
  • Manuscripts that do not adhere to any of the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES will not be considered for review.
  • The editorial board has the final decision to accept or decline manuscripts. 
  • Authors who are found to have plagiarised may be banned from publishing in this journal for a period to be decided by the Editorial Board. If payment has been made, the fee will not be refunded. 
  • Manuscripts that are accepted for publication in GEMA Online®️ Journal of Language Studies will be published subject to the following Article Processing Charges (APC)- (English & Malay manuscript).

1. Manuscript by authors from Malaysia - MYR1000.00
2. Manuscript by authors from countries other than Malaysia - USD 300


For more info please click on this link:

Posted: 2023-01-06 More...


In light of the overwhelming response from our previous call, we are extending the call for papers on covid-19 for the February 2021 and May 2021 issues. Papers about the pandemic should focus on language aspects and may be original research, short articles, perspective papers and case studies and should be not less than 5000 words and not more than 9000 words (excluding references).  
Posted: 2020-11-03 More...


In view of the interests surrounding covid-19, we welcome submissions on communication about the pandemic that falls within the focus and scope of the journal, focusing on language aspects. Papers may be original research, short articles, perspective papers and case studies. Short articles and perspective papers should be between 2000 and 3000 words (excluding references). We look forward to receiving your submission for August and November issue.  
Posted: 2020-04-15 More...

Call for papers 2020 - 2021


Special call for papers in Language and Technology

GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies invites submission of original, unpublished and current studies on language and technology. The paper must foreground language aspects complemented by technology. Papers should also demonstrate innovative ways in which technology is used in language studies.


We also welcome papers in the areas of Linguistics, Literary Studies, Language Studies, Translation and Interpreting Studies that demonstrate originality, creativity and innovation, which reflect issues that are current in the field.


Posted: 2019-12-20 More...

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Posted: 2019-10-31

Disclaimer for Journal indexing status

The indexing status of the journal (Scopus, ESCI, ERA and others) are as indicated in the journal’s website. If there is any change in the indexing status, information pertaining to this will be stated in the journal’s website. Please note that the journal and/or the university are/is not responsible for any changes in the indexing status, before or when the Volume/Issue is published.  
Posted: 2019-02-12 More...

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies received the 2018 CREAM award (Current Research in Malaysia)

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies received the 2018 CREAM award (Current Research in Malaysia) from the Ministry of Higher Education. This is the 4th time that the  journal received this prestigious award, in recognition of its high performance as a Scopus indexed journal.  
Posted: 2018-10-30 More...


GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies will be published in February, May, August and November 2018.  
Posted: 2018-01-12 More...

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies received the 2017 CREAM award (Current Research in Malaysia)

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies received the 2017 CREAM award (Current Research in Malaysia) from the Ministry of Higher Education. This award is a recognition of the journal's performance as a Scopus indexed journal.  
Posted: 2018-01-12 More...

Article Processing Charge (APC) UPDATE 2017

New Article Processing Charge (APC) RM 1000 or 300USD will be imposed for ACCEPTED manuscripts written in English submitted to GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies from 1st July 2017. 
Posted: 2017-07-06 More...


GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies will be published in February, May, August and November 2017.
Posted: 2016-12-01 More...

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies received the 2016 CREAM award (Current Research in Malaysia)

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies received the 2016 CREAM award (Current Research in Malaysia) from the Ministry of Higher Education. This award is a recognition of the journal's performance as a Scopus indexed journal.
Posted: 2016-11-02 More...

Book Review

GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies invites authors and publishers to submit books for reviews. Click on the Submission Guidelines for further information.  
Posted: 2015-12-23


No more print versions of the journal beginning 2014  
Posted: 2014-06-11 More...
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