Organisational Culture of South African Higher Education in the post COVID-19 Period

Hazel Lizzy Ndelu, Reward Utete


Practising organisational culture is indispensable in boosting sustainable development of various organisations. However, lately it has been shrouded with confusion especially in the post COVID-19 crisis which prompted this study to investigate its current stature. The gradual disappearance of pandemic era gave birth to a new complex and challenging space for human resource management professionals in approximately 426 South African higher education institutions in both public and private sectors, who are compelled to find ingenious solutions around bringing sound and competitive organisational culture. Although there are vast studies that uncover different issues related to COVID-19 pandemic, few previous studies to date have been conducted regarding the change of organisational culture at the workplace in the post COVID-19 pandemic period. Since few prior studies have been carried out in both public and private academic institutions, the purpose of this study is to explore the organisational culture in the post COVID-19 pandemic period of South African Higher Education. The study utilised a qualitative research approach. In terms of data gathering, the phenomena were scoured for in journals using the desktop reviewing method. The desktop approach was used to find the answers to the research questions by consulting published literature, online databases, reports and online indexes. This assists to create a comprehensive understanding of the subject and propose a corrective plan of action.

Keywords: organisational culture; COVID-19; crisis; higher education; South Africa


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