Adetokunboh Abayomi Adepoju, Manthekeleng Agnes Linake, Matseliso L. Mokhele


This paper assessed the use of instructional materials by teachers during English reading comprehension lessons in three selected primary schools in Nigeria using a case study design and qualitative research approach. The literature reviewed the concept of instructional materials, the benefits, types, and the problem associated with instructional materials. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select three, headmasters, and three most senior teachers in the schools as participants. The instructional theory was adopted as the theory of the study and constructivism was the paradigm used to construct themes derived from data collected with the use of two research instruments, open-ended questions, and observation. Themes derived were analysed using thematic analysis. The study concluded that teachers’ use of instructional materials is bedeviled by a shortage of funds, the dearth of qualified teachers, lack of facilities, and lack of regular training of teachers. Workshops can capacitate and equip teachers to effectively use instructional materials during lessons. These can improve the learners’ performance if could be taken into consideration. From the above discussion, if instructional materials are accepted as capable of creating a remarkable effect on the learners when used in a lesson in teaching English comprehension, it suffices to believe also that the use of those instructional materials can help create the expected awareness toward teaching and learning in other fields too. The study recommended among others that teachers should be well trained and that instructional materials/facilities should be made available in schools and effectively used.

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eISSN 1823-884x

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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