PEMANDUAN BERISIKO DAN AGRESIF SERTA PENILAIAN TERHADAP BAHAYA DAN KEMALANGAN JALAN RAYA (Risky and Aggressive Driving, Perception towards Hazardous Situation and Road Accident)

Rozmi Ismail, Noraqilah Zaini


Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti sejauh mana cara pemanduan berisiko dan agresif serta persepsi terhadap bahaya mempengaruhi risiko kemalangan jalan raya. Kajian survei telah dijalankan ke atas 296 orang pemandu yang secara sukarela menjadi responden kajian. Mereka terdiri daripada pemandu novis dan pemandu berpengalaman yang berbeza dari segi umur dan jantina. Responden diminta untuk mengisi soal selidik yang berkaitan dengan keagresifan, emosi negatif, pemanduan berisiko, tingkah laku cuai semasa memandu dan tingkah laku melanggar peraturan. Selanjutnya dalam kajian kedua seramai 61 orang pemandu telah terlibat dalam kajian berkenaan persepsi terhadap bahaya di mana video pemanduan agresif ditayangkan kepada subjek dan subjek diminta menilai skala bahaya dan tahap kemarahan subjek terhadap situasi yang ditunjukkan.  Keputusan kajian mendapati terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara emosi negatif dengan tingkah laku melanggar peraturan, tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara jantina, umur responden dan pengalaman memandu dengan pemanduan agresif. Dapatan kajian bagi video pemanduan agresif pula, majoriti daripada subjek kajian berasa sangat marah terhadap situasi yang ditunjukkan dan menyatakan situasi tersebut merupakan senario yang berbahaya dan boleh memudaratkan pemandu lain. Implikasi kajian ini ialah perlakuan bahaya boleh mendatangkan kemarahan kepada pemandu lain dan menjadi sebab kepada pengambilan risiko melanggari peraturan serta boleh mendatangkan kemalangan jalan raya. 


 This study aims to examine the extend aggressive driving style, risk taking and perception towards dangerous encounters effecting the risk of road accidents.  There were 296 drivers participated in the survey, they were consisted of novice and experienced drivers with different ages and gender.  Respondents were asked to respond to a set of questionnaire related to aggression, negative emotions, risk taking behavior, violations and perception of being involved in accident. In the second study 61 subjects volunteered to take part in the simple experiment where the drivers were shown videos of dangerous driving scenario that related to aggressive and risk raking behavior. The subjects were asked to rate the level of danger based on the scale and the level of anger they felt upon watching the videos. Results showed that there were significant differences between negative emotions and behavior regarding drivers’ violation, no significant differences between male and female drivers, driving experience and aggressive driving behavior. For the second study on video rating, the majority of subjects felt very angry about it and said the situation is dangerous and can harm other drivers. The implication of this study is that hazardous behavior can induce anger to other drivers and is the reason for risk taking behavior and can lead to road accidents.


 This study aims to examine the extend aggressive driving style, risk taking and perception towards dangerous encounters effecting the risk of road accidents.  There were 296 drivers participated in the survey, they were consisted of novice and experienced drivers with different ages and gender.  Respondents were asked to respond to a set of questionnaire related to aggression, negative emotions, risk taking behavior, violations and perception of being involved in accident. In the second study 61 subjects volunteered to take part in the simple experiment where the drivers were shown videos of dangerous driving scenario that related to aggressive and risk raking behavior. The subjects were asked to rate the level of danger based on the scale and the level of anger they felt upon watching the videos. Results showed that there were significant differences between negative emotions and behavior regarding drivers’ violation, no significant differences between male and female drivers, driving experience and aggressive driving behavior. For the second study on video rating, the majority of subjects felt very angry about it and said the situation is dangerous and can harm other drivers. The implication of this study is that hazardous behavior can induce anger to other drivers and is the reason for risk taking behavior and can lead to road accidents.

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eISSN 1823-884x

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

© Copyright UKM Press, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia