SOCIAL INTERVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DEPRESSED WOMEN WITH INSECURE STYLES, CORRELATED WITH RISK FACTORS (Cadangan intervensi sosial untuk wanita murung dengan gaya tidak selamat, dihubungkaitkan dengan faktor risiko)

Nor Ba’yah Abdul Kadir


A list of social interventions for insecure and depressed Malay women was recommended in order to enhance their well-being and social functioning. In order to develop an intervention program for insecure and depressed women and to see if these attachment styles related to support, self-esteem, and life events, would also be correlated with depression symptomatology, a preliminary study is crucial. A thousand and two mothers completed questionnaires assessing severe life events (RLEQ), psychosocial vulnerability (VASQ), and the General Health Questionnaire-30 to assess depression. The Attachment Style Interview (ASI) was used to tap attachment styles and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) to assess depression. The 61 women interviewed were selected on the basis of high General Health Questionnaire scores from a large questionnaire survey of 1,002 mothers. Findings have shown that 60.5% of single mothers and 39.5% of married mothers have depressive symptoms. Fearful styles were the most common (43.3%) and high proportion of the women exhibited Dual/Disorganised style (29.5%). The study suggested several social interventions: increasing psychotherapy and counselling services, raising public awareness, providing professional training for clinical psychologists and increasing treatment availability.

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eISSN 1823-884x

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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