Rural Technologies and Institutions in Indonesia

- SAYOGYO (Institut Pertanian Bogor)


The paper described and analysed the impact of modernization on rural technologies and institutions in Indonesia. The writer's emphasis was more on wet paddy plantation, upland crops production and cottage industry. The impact of modernization was more successful on wet paddy cultivation. The writer indicated that research in weeding and agronomy has not achieved any breakthrough to modernize upland farming system. On the cottage industry the paper showed that the 'food industry' was dominant but the impact of modernization wasnot clear as with wet paddy cultivation.


Kertas ini memerihal dan menganalisis kesan modenisasi ke atas teknologi dan institusi luar bandar di Indonesia. Penulis menekankan perbincangan kepada penanaman padi basah, pengeluaran tanaman di tanah bukit dan industri kampung. Kesan modenisasi lebih berkesan bagi penanaman padi basah. Penulis menunjukkan iaitu penyelidikan dalam penternakan dan agronomi belum dapat memodenkan sistem penternakan dan penanaman di bukit. Dari segi industri kampung pula industri makanan lebih dominan tetapi kesan modenisasi tidak begitu ketara seperti penanaman padi basah.

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