The journal of SERANGGA published by Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) for the Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
SERANGGA journal is managed and funded by FST, UKM and copyright to all published articles also belongs to UKM.
Serangga is published thrice-yearly beginning 2020, with the aims of disseminating information on systematics and diversity of insect fauna, as well as result of research works related to insects. The new publication dates are on April, August and December.
All accepted manuscripts are subjected to Article Processing Charges (APC) of RM500 for Malaysian corresponding authors and USD150 for International corresponding authors.
Serangga accepts manuscripts on all aspects of the biosystematics of insects, especially articles dealing with their taxonomy, biology, behavior, ecology, molecular genetics, physiology, biochemistry, life history, and biogeography worldwide.
SERANGGA is an open access journal that has been indexed and abstracted in SCOPUS, Goggle Scholar, SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank), Web of Science-WOS (Zoological Record), ASEAN Citation Index, MyCites and CABI abstract.
All articles since January 1996 are freely available in the Archives.
Published articles 1995-2011 are available here
Articles 1995 - 2011 << Click Here
All correspondence pertaining to articles and related matters should be addressed to:
Chief Editor
Centre for Insect Systematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor MALAYSIA
Email: /
ISSN: 1394-5130