The Concept of “Love” of Bandung Mayor-Ridwan Kamil Observed from Articles Published in Newspapers and Social Media in Indonesia: Semantic Cognitive Approach

Elvi Citraresmana, Erlina ., Rosaria Mita Amalia


This article, using the semantic cognitive approach, is to analyze the phenomena of language used by Indonesian people observed through articles published in Newspapers and Social Media. The object of this research is Bandung Mayor. He frequently reveals his ideas in an informal way but still acceptable and his ideas more often are quite interesting. One of the interesting ideas is the usage of “love”. His idea of “love” is published in the articles, one is in Indonesian Newspapers and the other one is on his instagram account, entitled “Ridwan Kamil’s Love Car”. The revelation concept of “love” proposed by Ridwan Kamil is considered as the representative of Sundanesse people cognition. His language concepts are very interesting to be analyzed and discussed in a research. In analyzing the data, we refer to Conceptual Metaphor as proposed by Lakoff (1983), Lakoff and Johnson (1980), the mapping theory refers to Blending Theory as proposed by Langacker (1987), and Johnson’s (1987) is referred for the image scheme. The research results show that there are two types of metaphor, i.e. conceptual metaphor and ontological metaphor. In conceptual metaphor, the concept of “love” appears as the containment that needs the container; love is the destination in which it needs a car in order to reach the place; love is mental disease; and love is a fragile sewing thread. In ontological metaphor, it shows that love is a movement to go forward.


Keywords: Cognition, representation, conceptual metaphor, ontological metaphor,  phenomena.

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