Pengubahsuaian dalam Pengajaran Kemahiran Bahasa Malaysia bagi Murid Bermasalah Pembelajaran (Modification of Malay Language Teaching Skills for Students Learning Disabilities)



Studies conducted using narrative inquiry aims to identify modifi cations in the teaching of the Malay Language skills for students with learning disabilities. The two objectives of this study is to identify the modifi cation of the time and order activities performed by teachers to help students with learning disabilities learn more effectively and to identify the extent to which the word work is taught in Malay Langauge for teaching students with learning disabilities. A total of four special education teachers were selected using purposive sampling to participate in a study in which data were collected through observations, interviews and document analysis. The results showed that participants in the study to modify the activities according to their functionality and their students to teach students with learning disabilities who are suffering from severe speech and sign language based on a User Management Children Experiencing Communications Problems. The study also found that study participants needed to teach words in everyday life. Participants were found to determine the content of the lesson because there is no textbook available. This article proposes a list of words that can function as a guide when teaching the Malay Language skills to moderate and extreme learning diffi culties.


Malay language teaching; learning difficulties; the modifi cation of teaching

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