
Issue Title
Vol 13, No 1 (2025) Analisis Perbandingan Bahasa Suku Kagayan di Pulau Banggi, Kudat, Sabah dengan Bahasa Melayu Standard Johor-Riau (A Comparative Analysis of the Kagayan Ethnic Language on Banggi Island, Kudat, Sabah, with Standard Johor-Riau Malay) Abstract  PDF
Mohammad Najib Masdukie, Mohammad Rozi Kasim
Vol 13, No 1 (2025) Aspek Kemahiran Lisan Bahasa Melayu dalam Pentaksiran Autentik Berasaskan Pendekatan Tematik Sekolah Rendah (The Oral Skills Aspect of the Malay Language in Authentic Assessment Based on Thematic Approach in Primary Schools) Abstract  PDF
Norliza Ramlan, Wan Muna Ruzanna Wan Mohammad, Zamri Mahamod
Vol 13, No 1 (2025) Isu dan Cabaran Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Penulisan Karangan Bahasa Melayu di Sekolah Rendah (Issues and Challenges in the Implementation of Malay Language Essay Writing Instruction in Primary Schools) Abstract  PDF
Nur Atikah Mohd Noor, Zamri Mahamod, Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri
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