Menangani cabaran tranformasi Tanah NCR: Satu keperluan terhadap pendekatan pemetaan berpenglibatan (Tackling the NCR land transformation challenges: The need for a participatory mapping approach)

Azima Abdul Manaf, Novel Lyndon, Sivapalan Selvadurai, Mohd Yusof Hussain, Zaimah Ramli, Sarmila Md Sum, Suhana Saad, Mokhtar Jaafar, Fuad Mat Jali


Bagi masyarakat pribumi di Sarawak, tanah merupakan sumber yang amat penting demi kelangsungan hidup mereka. Kerananya, isu pemilikan dan persempadanan tanah NCR (Native Customary Rights Land) sering kali menjadi punca pertelingkahan antara komuniti suku kaum asli di negeri tersebut. Oleh yang demikian artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan konflik komuniti pribumi terhadap isu pemilikan dan persempadanan tanah adat di Sarawak. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan data sekunder yang diperoleh daripada kajian lepas. Pertelingkahan antara komuniti asal di Sarawak didapati berpunca daripada dua faktor utama. Pertama, penggunaan kaedah persempadanan tanah NCR berdasarkan penyampaian secara penceritaan lisan dari satu generasi ke satu generasi dan rujukan sempadan yang kurang jelas seperti berasaskan tumbuh-tumbuhan, bukit dan sungai. Kedua, kelemahan pemetaan konvensional sedia ada yang gagal mengambil kira maklumat lisan mahu pun maklumat lokal yang tak formal semasa kerja-kerja persempadanan semula tanah dilakukan. Kedua-dua hal ini sering menyebabkan berlakunya pertindihan sempadan dan seterusnya membawa kepada pertelingkahan. Justeru itu, maklumat lokal tak formal setempat perlu diambil kira dalam proses persempadanan tanah bagi mengelakkan pertelingkahan dalam masyarakat. Proses tersebut yang menggunakan teknik pemetaan digital berpenglibatan, merupakan pendekatan pemetaan yang melibatkan penyertaan komuniti lokal, adalah alat bagi memudahkan tranformasi pembangunan tanah adat di negeri Sarawak.

Katakunci: pemetaan digital berpenglibatan, penyertaan komuniti, persempadanan tanah, pribumi, Sarawak, tanah


For indigenous people of Sarawak, land is the most important resource for the survival of their tribe. It is not unexpected, therefore, that issue of ownership and boundaries of NCR (Native Customary Rights Land) is the common cause of conflict between native communities of the state. This article takes a closer look at the nature of this conflict in Sarawak. The study employed content analysis of secondary data obtained from field studies. Results showed that disputes between the native communities in Sarawak over customary land were driven by two main factors. Firstly, the use by the native communities as reference terms and as the basis for the delineation of the NCR land of ambiguous verbal information mostly informed by oral storytelling which were passed on from generation to generation such as vegetation, hills and rivers. Secondly, the failure of existing conventional mapping to take into account the use of informal references and other local verbal information by the communities to mark out the NCR land ownership during the delineation of the land boundary. These situations have given rise to overlapping and thus led to conflict. To rectify, informal local knowledge must be incorporated in the boundary demarcation of customary land in Sarawak. This points to the imperative of a community participatory approach that recognizes the knowledge of local people with respect to ownership and boundaries - in digital mapping as a tool to facilitate the transformation of the development of customary land in Sarawak.

Keywords: community participation, indigenous, land boundaries, NCR lands, Sarawak, participatory digital mapping

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