Agricultural Modernization and Change in Kinship Organization in Rural Thailand



The purpose of this work is to explain the changes that have taken place in Thai peasant kinship institutions and the relationship between those economic changes and the society in which they occur. The author researches into the consequences of capitalist development on the family and highlights the general problem of relating the peasant's social situation to changing economic conditions. What the author suggests is that the web of kindred relations has traditionally provided the peasant with stable alliances which had been the main support for the condition of the peasant's existence.


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menerangkan perubahan-perubahan yang telah berlaku kepada institusi-institusi kekeluargaan masyarakat Thai, dan perhubungan antara perubahan-perubahan ekonomi dengan masyarakat dalarn konteks di mana perubahan itu berlaku. Penulis telah menyelidik kesan-kesan dari pembangunan kapitalis ke atas institusi keluarga dan juga mengemukakan masalah umum mengenai keadaan sosial kaum tani. Penulis mengemukakan bahawa semenjak dahulu lagi hubungan kekeluargaan telah membantu dan menguatkan kedudukan sosial golongan petani.

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