Hubungan di antara Konsep Kendiri dan Kesedaran Komuniti dengan Sokongan Sosial bagi Pesalah Muda di Malaysia (Relationship between Self-Concept and Sense of Community with Social Support among Young Offenders in Malaysia)

N.K. Tharshini, Fauziah Ibrahim, Mohd Suhaimi Mohamad, Ezarina Zakaria


Artikel ini disediakan untuk mengenalpasti hubungan di antara konsep kendiri dan kesedaran komuniti dengan sokongan sosial bagi pesalah muda di Malaysia. Satu kajian kuantitatif telah dijalankan ke atas 306 pesalah muda yang sedang menjalani hukuman Perintah Khidmat Masyarakat di bawah pengawasan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. Data kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Sosial Sciences (SPSS). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti daripada responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada pesalah muda lelaki (100%) yang berusia 20 tahun (36.3), bujang (94.4%), berpendidikan pada tahap Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (52.1%), dan tidak bekerja (49.7%). Keputusan analisis kolerasi Pearson menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara konsep kendiri (r=.699, p<0.01) dan kesedaran komuniti (r=.606, p<0.01) dengan sokongan sosial. Dapatan kajian memberi implikasi kepada pihak yang berkepentingan seperti Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat agar melakukan penambahbaikan terhadap modul pemulihan yang sedia ada dengan memberi penekanan terhadap aspek konsep kendiri, kesedaran komuniti, dan sokongan sosial bagi membantu memulihkan kefungsian sosial pesalah muda pada masa hadapan.

Kata kunci: Konsep kendiri; kesedaran komuniti; sokongan sosial; pesalah muda, Malaysia


This article is prepared to identify the relationship between self-concept and sense of community with social support among young offenders in Malaysia. Data was collected using a quantitative approach among 306 young offenders undergoing Community Service Order initiated by the Social Welfare Department. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Sosial Sciences (SPSS) software. The result shows that majority of respondents who took part in this study consisted of male young offenders (100%) aged 20 years old (36.3), single in marital status (94.4%), completed educational level up to Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (52.1%), and unemployed (49.7%). The results of the correlation analysis unveiled that there is a significant relationship between self-concept (r = .699, p <0.01) and sense of community (r = .606, p <0.01) with social support. As an overall impact, the study provided implications to the concerned parties such as Social Welfare Department to improvise the existing rehabilitation module by giving emphasis on aspects such as self-concept, sense of community, and social support in order to restore the social functioning of the young offenders in the future.

Keywords: Self-concept; sense of community; social support; young offender, Malaysia

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