Selarikah Makna Kepuasan Hidup daripada Perspektif Wanita Pertengahan Usia Bekerjaya di Hulu Langat dengan Perspektif Islam? (Is the Meaning of Life Satisfaction from the Perspectives of Middle-aged Career Women in Hulu Langat, Selangor Consistent with Islamic Perspective?)

Siti Marziah Zakaria, Nor Ba'yah Ab. Kadir, Nasrudin Subhi


Wanita pertengahan usia berkemungkinan untuk mengalami sindrom kekosongan, menopaus, masalah kesihatan, gangguan tidur, lethargi, penambahan berat badan dan masalah tumpuan. Beban kerja melampau, pelbagai peranan di rumah, penjagaan warga tua dan sebagainya memburukkan lagi kesejahteraan emosi dan kepuasan hidup wanita pertengahan usia.Wanita kerap kali melaporkan kepuasan hidup yang lebih rendah berbanding lelaki. Mereka juga lebih tinggi risiko untuk mengalami kemurungan, “burn out” dan kesunyian. Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif berdasarkan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pendekatan ini digunakan bagi meneroka dan memahami pengalaman sebenar serta perasaan peserta kajian yang dikaji. Objektif kajian ialah untuk meneroka makna kepuasan hidup daripada perspektif wanita pertengahan usia yang bekerjaya. Soalan berstruktur separa telah digunakan untuk memungut data daripada sembilan orang wanita pertengahan usia di Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kepuasan hidup didefinisikan dalam empat tema iaitu; 1) kejayaan/pencapaian, 2) ketenangan jiwa dan fikiran, 3) keselesaan hidup serta 4) keredhaan dan kesyukuran. Empat tema ini dibincangkan daripada sudut kesejahteraan emosi dan kepuasan hidup. Wanita pertengahan usia yang dikaji membuat penilaian kepada kepuasan hidup dengan melihat lebih kepada aspek-aspek dalaman dan kerohanian. Mereka cuba membina kehidupan yang lebih bermakna, lebih tenang dan diredhai. Dapatan kajian dapat memberi input penting kepada perancangan program bagi meningkatkan kepuasan hidup wanita bekerjaya pertengahan usia. Ia juga membantu para kaunselor, pegawai kebajikan dan penyelidik untuk lebih memahami keperluan dan perspektif hidup wanita pertengahan usia. 

Kata kunci: Wanita pertengahan usia; kepuasan hidup; kesyukuran; kejayaan; keselesaan




Middle-aged women are likely to experience empty nest syndrome, menopause, health problem, sleep disturbance, lethargy, weight gain and attention deficit. Overwhelming workload, multiple roles at home, elderly care giving and so forth have worsened the situation. These factors may influence their emotional well-being and life satisfaction. Women are frequently reported to have lower life satisfaction compare to men. They are also at higher risk of developing depression, burn out and loneliness. The study employed qualitative method based on phenomenological approach. This approach was adopted to explore and understand the real experiences and the feelings of the participants. The objective of the study is to explore the meaning of life satisfaction from the perspectives of middle-aged working women. A set of semi-structured questions was adhered to gain the data from nine middle aged working women in Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia. The result of the study showed that life satisfaction has been defined in four themes, which are: 1) success/achievement, 2) tranquility of soul and mind, 3) life comfort, and 4) acceptance and gratitude. These four (4) themes are discussed from the perspectives of emotional well-being and life satisfaction. Middle-aged women review their life satisfaction by considering more on the internal and spiritual aspects. They attempt to build a more meaningful, more peaceful and blessed life. The research finding offers significant input to the planning of program to uplift life satisfaction of middle-aged career women. It can also facilitate counselors, social workers, and researchers to better understand the need and life perspective of middle aged career women.

Keywords: Middle-aged women; life satisfaction; gratitude; success; comfort

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