University Students’ Engagement with Ulamas’ Political Messages on Social Media

Usman ., Amirsyah ., Haidir Fitra Siagian


Ulama involvement in educating the young generation about political issues is seen as crucial. However, their involvement's significance potentially diminishes with the increased accessibility of political information through digital media. This qualitative study utilises the Uses and Gratifications Theory as a valuable lens in exploring the engagement of university students in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with ulamas’ political lectures on social media. Thematic analysis of 101 eligible participant’s responses resulted in four key themes: da’wah preferences, content, styles, and impacts. Politics was not the primary or secondary topic preference for the young adults when engaging with Islamic lectures on social media. Instead, topics such as Islamic rituals and the life of the Prophet took precedence. Participants emphasised that ulamas maintained the balance between entertaining audiences and keeping online da’wah educating and relevant to the audience. Ulamas’ arguments in da’wah should be grounded in Islamic texts and prevent divisiveness in society. Students confirmed that their knowledge and attitudes towards important national or local issues were improved due to ulamasda’wah. Although students expressed a sense of powerlessness to address political issues highlighted in da’wah, some reported that da’wah motivated them to take action. This study underscores the importance of ulamas adjusting their da’wah approach to suit young audiences. Further research needs to explore strategies to enhance youth engagement with political content on social media.


Keywords: Opinion leaders, ulama, political messages, da’wah, social media.

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