Understanding the Role of Communication Ethics in the Flexing Phenomenon on Social Media

Dasrun Hidayat, Arismayadi Dirantika, Ilyas Lampe


In recent years, the phenomenon of flexing on social media has gained significant attention, particularly in the context of communication ethics. Flexing, which involves showcasing luxury, achievements, or expensive possessions to gain recognition, has become prevalent among social media users. This study aims to analyze flexing activities from the perspective of communication ethics, highlighting how ethical considerations can influence the impact of flexing. Using a qualitative approach, this research involved 8 informants who actively engage in flexing on social media. Data were collected through observations of social media content and in-depth interviews with the informants. The findings reveal that flexing serves as a means of self-expression, interaction, and identity formation. Flexing actors utilize various forms of language, such as casual, informative, and professional, to convey their messages and engage with their audience. The study also identifies the motives behind flexing, including personal satisfaction, recognition, inspiration, and self-image building. Despite the potential negative aspects of flexing, such as social comparison and low self-esteem, the research suggests that adherence to communication ethics can mitigate these issues. The results of this study are expected to contribute to digital literacy, promoting ethical communication practices on social media and serving as a reference for policy-making related to social media usage in Indonesia. Through this research, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of the flexing phenomenon and its ethical implications, fostering a more respectful and positive online environment.


Keywords: Flexing, communication ethics, social media, qualitative research, influence impact.



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