Reporting the Case of Violence Against a Healthcare Worker in Detikcom during COVID-19

Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi, Chotijah Fanaqi, Sherly Diani


This research was motivated by the news of violence that happened to a nurse at Pameungpeuk Health Center, Garut Regency. The incident of violence was recorded by CCTV surveillance cameras and went viral online, as published by Detikcom. This study aims to explain the level of text, social cognition, and social context of reporting violence cases against the healthcare worker. The research method used was descriptive and qualitative in line with a critical paradigm. The data collection techniques conducted were through in-depth interviews, observation and literature study. The results showed that at the text level, the elements of macro structure, superstructure and micro structure explained an unfavourable situation experienced by the victim or nurse who had been beaten. Social cognition shows that the journalists’ point of view in cases of violence against health workers have had an impact on their psychological condition. In this case journalists must provide information objectively, so the victim gets justice. The social context in this news discourse is the practice of power performed by Detikcom on publishing news and power of full access in handling cases by Pameungpeuk Sector Police and Garut Resort Police. The implication of this research is that the media can broadcast balanced news, uphold the ideals of journalists, provide a sense of security and increase public awareness that media discourse affects social life.


Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, social cognition, social context, violence, healthcare worker.

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