Beyond Art: Graffiti as a Medium of Counterpublics

Djamila Hess, Deddy Mulyana


The use of a variety of art forms to support citizens’ dissent and protest is a long-standing tradition in Indonesia. This work aims at investigating the role of artistic, low-technology modes of communication in the form of graffiti for the mediation of interests of counter publics. Therefore, we focus on graffiti and its utilization within the ARAP (People’s aliance against eviction) movement in Tamansari, Bandung (Indonesia). Based on Grounded Theory and with the help of interviews with artists and activists as well as observations, and a content analysis of the artworks, different ways graffiti can contribute to the representation of interests of counterpublics are investigated. Our results show that graffiti is not simply a substitute for missing mass media coverage as often indicated. The special quality of graffiti allows not only for the utilization as a means for opposing marginalization tendencies in media and society, but it also bears its own media-specific characteristics that other (communication) media cannot provide: Through its emotional approach and its media-specific characteristics, communicating via graffiti allows for addressing and sensitizing (new) audiences. Additionally, graffiti supports the aims of the movement such as communicating information, framing events, mobilizing, and motivating activists and residents, as well as contesting space. In this regard, the ARAP movement reappropriates the public space for the people they aim to represent through the creative practice of graffiti.


Keywords: Counterpublic, graffiti, protest movement, street art, social movement.

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