Media Coverage of Malaysian Airline Flight MH370: A Preliminary Study on the Framing of the Crisis in the Malaysian Mainstream and Alternative Newspapers

Lim Shiang Shiang, Ihediwa Samuel Chibundu, Sharon Wilson


This study proposes to investigate and compare the coverage of the disappearance of Malaysian airline flight MH370 by Malaysian mainstream and alternative newspapers – the Star newspaper and Malaysiakini. The MH370 crisis in March 2014 is considered as the greatest aviation crisis in the history of Malaysia in view of its magnitude, and attracted massive local and international media coverage. It presented Malaysian authorities with new form of challenge, resulting to various criticisms from aviation, media and crisis communication experts over the manner in which information regarding the crisis were handled by the Malaysian Airline (MAS) in particular, and the Malaysian government in general. On the other hand, the role of the media during crisis is not only to provide information regarding the crisis, but also to act as the peoples’ advocate by providing avenue for public engagements and discussions. However, the ability of the media to play this role depends to a certain extent on ownership, and to a large extent on the degree of freedom it enjoys in a country. Through quantitative content analysis, the study compares the framing of the crisis by the selected newspapers, the sources of information for their news stories, and slants of the news. The study found among others that while the mainstream newspaper; the star provided more of general and limited viewpoints with concentration on the human interest frame, the alternative newspaper; Malaysiakini has more critical news reports with focus on the attribute of responsibility frame.

KEYWORDS    Crisis; Framing, MH370; newspaper coverage; Press freedom

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