Siriq na Passe, Kearifan Lokal dalam Perang Makassar (The Philosophy of Siriq na Passe, a Local Wisdom Element in the Makassar War)

Alwi Daud, Mardiana Nordin, Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali


This article discusses the philosophy of Siriq na Passe, a life perspective among the Bugis and Makassar society. Eventually, the philosophy has evolved and became part of the local wisdom of the Bugis and Makassar tribes. Meanwhile, the Makassar War (1660-1669) was a war between Gowa Makassar and Bone, who received the Dutch assistance. Although there are previous studies that discuss on the subject of Siriq na Passe but there are gaps because the discussion are more about cultural aspects in the Bugis and Makassar communities in general or limited to individual fiqures namely Arung Palakka. Therefore, this article focuses on two aspects. First, the background of the Makassar War between Bone and Gowa Makassar, and second, the reason that prompted the birth of the philosophy of Siriq na Passe in the Makassar War. In general, the philosophy of Siriq na Passe is a lesson learnt from the Makassar War incident.  It is the main core, identity, and the soul and spirit of both the Bugis and Makassar tribes. The philosophy became the dignity of both tribes, which motivated and encouraged them to fight for the sake of freedom. The war resulted in great consequences to both parties with numerous casualties and destruction. On the other hand, it brings forth values of the local wisdom, such as Siriq na Passe, which continues and still practices to this day. 


Siriq na Passe; Local wisdom; Makassar War; Gowa; Bone

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