Krisis Bosnia-Herzegovina 1908: Peranan dan Reaksi Kuasa-kuasa Besar (Bosnia-Herzegovina Crisis 1908: Roles and Reactions of the Super Powers)

Azlizan Mat Enh (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


The crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina started in the year 1908. The crisis was caused by the Austria-Hungary’s action, which declared Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of its permanent empire. The declaration was considered illegal because it was made without the consent of the European super powers who had signed the Berlin Treaty 1878. Bosnia- Herzegovina was Uthmaniah’s colony, but due to the rebellion in 1875-1878, Austria-Hungary was given the mandate by the super powers, through the Berlin Treaty of 1878, to temporarily manage Bosnia-Herzegovina, that is until peace can be restored in the country. The super powers had different responses toward Austria-Hungary’s action. Russia and Turkey were strictly against the Austria-Hungary decision to control Bosnia-Herzegovina. While other super powers, namely Britain, Germany, French and Italy were of the opinion that the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis should be immediately settled through negotiation. If the suggestion were not abide, the crisis would invite war between Russia, Austria-Hungary and Turkey government who was still a legal owner of Bosnia-Herzegovina. As a result, the war will drag all the Super Powers to engage in the same detrimental war. The issue that will be discussed here is the Super Powers’ reactions toward Austria-Hungary’s decision and how they worked out to Bosnia crisis 1908 to avoid war in Europe. Further, this essay touched the effects of the Austria-Hungary’s action in political scenario in Balkan.

Keywords: Bosnia-Herzegovina, super powers, crisis, Austria-Hungary, Russia


Krisis Bosnia-Herzegovina telah meletus pada tahun 1908. Krisis ini berpunca daripada tindakan Austria-Hungary yang mengisytiharkan Bosnia-Herzegovina sebagai sebahagian daripada empayarnya yang kekal. Pengisytiharan tersebut dianggap sebagai tidak sah kerana dilakukan tanpa persetujuan rasmi kuasa-kuasa besar Eropah yang menandatangani Perjanjian Berlin 1878. Bosnia-Herzegovina merupakan tanah jajahan Uthmaniah, tetapi akibat daripada pemberontakan 1875-1878, Austria-Hungary telah diberi mandat oleh kuasa-kuasa besar, melalui Perjanjian Berlin 1878, untuk mentadbir Bosnia-Herzegovina secara sementara sehingga keamanan dapat dipulihkan semula di negara tersebut. Kuasa-kuasa besar mempunyai reaksi yang berbeza berhubung tindakan Austria-Hungary tersebut. Rusia dan Turki Uthmaniah menentang keputusan pengambilan Bosnia-Herzegovina secara kekal oleh Austria-Hungary. Manakala kuasa-kuasa besar yang lain, iaitu Britain, Jerman, Perancis dan Itali ingin berpandangan krisis Bosnia-Herzegovina harus diselesaikan dengan segera di meja rundingan. Sekiranya tidak, krisis tersebut bakal mengundang peperangan antara Rusia, Austria-Hungary dan kerajaan Uthmaniah yang masih merupakan pemilik Bosnia-Herzegovina yang sah. Peperangan itu, akhirnya akan mengheret semua kuasa besar Eropah untuk terlibat sama dalam peperangan yang merugikan. Perkara yang ingin dibincangkan di sini adalah reaksi kuasa-kuasa besar terhadap tindakan Austria-Hungary tersebut dan bagaimana kuasa-kuasa besar ini mencari penyelesaian kepada krisis Bosnia 1908 bagi mengelakkan peperangan di Eropah. Seterusnya, makalah ini menyentuh kesan-kesan daripada tindakan Austria-Hungary itu dalam senario politik di Balkan.

Kata kunci: Bosnia-Herzegovina, kuasa besar, krisis, Austria-Hungary, Rusia

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