Kualiti dan Prestasi Kerja Graduan Kolej Komuniti: Penilaian oleh Majikan Bandar (Quality and Job Performance of Community College Graduates: Urban Employers Assessment)

ABD HAIR AWANG (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, hair@ukm.my), MOHD YUSOF HUSSAIN (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, hmyusoff@ukm.my), ZAIMAH RAMLI (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, zaimah@ukm.my), IZZURAZLIA IBRAHIM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)


Higher learning institution should be able to produce graduates with sufficient specific knowledge, skills and attitude in line with the national human capital development strategy. Continuous improvement of the higher education quality and capability are the most important for the current and future labour market demand. Therefore, the community colleges had introduced courses that are relevant to the needs of the industry. The main objectives of this article are to evaluate the quality and job performance of the community college graduates. A total of 140 employers were chosen to evaluate the graduate. The results show that the majority of the employers rated them as good in the field in specialization, communication, information and technology, leadership, teamwork, ethics and value. However, the employers rated moderate in decision making and solving problems, work plan, thinking skills, innovation and English proficiency. From the employers’ point of view, there is no obvious shortcoming in the community college graduates. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the graduate’s quality and job performance of community college graduates. However, the quality of the graduate in productivity (salary) is insignificant except academic qualification and service period.

Keywords: Community college; employee quality; job performance; productivity; graduate


Institusi pendidikan tinggi seharusnya mampu melahirkan graduan yang mantap pengkhususan ilmu pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap selari dengan hasrat pembangunan modal insan negara. Peningkatan kualiti berterusan pendidikan tinggi amat penting untuk memenuhi permintaan pasaran buruh semasa dan masa hadapan. Sehubungan itu, Kolej komuniti menawarkan kursus yang relevan dengan keperluan industri. Justeru itu, objektif artikel ini menilai kualiti dan prestasi kerja lulusan kolej komuniti yang berada di pasaran buruh. Sebanyak 140 majikan menilai lulusan kolej komuniti yang berkhidmat di syarikat mereka menerusi borang kaji selidik. Kajian mendapati majoriti majikan memberikan nilai baik dalam aspek pengkhususan, komunikasi dan interpersonal, teknologi maklumat, etika dan nilai. Namun, majikan memberikan nilai sederhana aspek penyelesaian masalah dan membuat keputusan, perancangan kerja, kemahiran berfikir, inovasi dan kefasihan berbahasa Inggeris. Hasil kajian juga mendapati wujud hubungan yang signifikan antara kualiti graduan dengan prestasi kerja subjektif bagi lepasan kolej komuniti. Namun demikian tidak terdapat hubungan dan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kualiti graduan dengan produktiviti (gaji) kecuali bagi kelayakan akademik dan tempoh perkhidmatan.

Kata kunci: Kolej komuniti; kualiti pekerja; prestasi kerja; produktiviti; graduan

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