Perubahan Sosial, Kesihatan dan Kualiti Hidup di Wilayah Metropolitan Lembah Klang-Langat (Social Change, Health and Quality of Life in the Klang Valley Metropolitan Region-Langat)

AISHAH@ ESHAH HAJI MOHAMED (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


The deterioration of the quality of life for the semi-urban populations can be seen from the reduction of physical, intellectual, social, spiritual and emotional levels of health of the populations. This article has two main objectives; to examine social changes that occurred in WMLKL and to analyses the impact of those changes on health and quality of life of the populations. Data was collected in 2008 to 2009 by using surveys and in-depth-interviews in three districts in Selangor (Kuala Selangor, Kuala Langat and Sepang). Surveys were conducted on 201 respondents, while in-depth-interview were conducted amongst 30 informants and key informants. The analyses revealed that, majority of the respondents were concerned about the influx of foreigners which according to them will give negative impact to the peace in their areas, increase the cost of living and the rising number of crimes that are alleged committed by these foreigners. The religious and moral values of the younger generations are also deteriorating due to the negative influence of print and electronic media that are easily available to them. The evidences are seen in the increase of social problems such as casual sex among the youths which resulted in the cases of unwanted babies, less respect for the elderly and their observing to more of entertainments instead of religion. The environmental degradation is mainly due to indiscriminate dumping of wastes from the factories and other sources such as domestic and municipal wastes in their areas. Infectious diseases which were once eliminated now have resurfaced again in the new forms. The so-called modern diseases have increased tremendously and so do the road and work accidents in their areas.

Keywords: Quality of life; health; modernization; social change and role


Kualiti hidup penduduk pinggir bandar kian terjejas, terpancar daripada penurunan tahap kesihatan emosi dan sosial, fizikal, intelektual dan spiritual. Artikel ini mempunyai dua tujuan utama, iaitu mengenal pasti perubahan sosial yang berlaku di wilayah metropolitan Lembah Klang-Langat (WMLKL) dan menganalisis kesan perubahan tersebut ke atas kesihatan dan seterusnya kualiti hidup penduduknya. Data perbincangan ini diasaskan kepada survei dan temu bual mendalam yang dilakukan dalam tahun 2008 sehingga 2009 di tiga daerah di Selangor, iaitu Kuala Selangor, Kuala Langat dan Sepang. Survei dilakukan ke atas 201 orang responden, manakala temu bual mendalam dilakukan dengan 30 orang informan utama yang mempunyai pengetahuan luas tentang ketiga-tiga daerah tersebut. Didapati majoriti responden takut dengan kemasukan warga asing, iaitu takut peluang pekerjaan diambil oleh mereka, kestabilan tempat tinggal tergugat, kos hidup meningkat dan peningkatan dalam kejadian jenayah. Pegangan agama dan nilai moral walaupun masih utuh namun dalam kalangan golongan muda agak menurun. Penurunan nilai moral dan agama ini tergambar melalui peningkatan dalam gejala sosial, hubungan bebas antara remaja lelaki dan wanita, pembuangan bayi, anak kurang menghormati ibu bapa dan golongan muda lebih suka kepada hiburan dan kurang minat dengan hal-hal agama. Persekitaran fizikal mereka mula tercemar ekoran daripada pembuangan sisa kilang, najis ternakan dan longgokan bahan buangan. Penyakit infeksi yang dahulunya sudah dapat dikawal muncul kembali dalam bentuk baru. Manakala penyakit tamadun dan kemalangan di tempat kerja dan jalan raya pula meningkat dengan hebat sekali.

Kata kunci: Kualiti hidup; kesihatan; modenisasi; perubahan dan peranan sosial

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