A descriptive phenomenological study of the lived experience of the creative design process among students of graphic design (Kajian Fenomenologi Deskriptif Terhadap Pengalaman Rekaan Kreatif dalam Kalangan Pelajar Senireka Grafik)

Mohd hafnidzam adzmi, Zahari Ishak, Che Aleha Ladin


The use of technologies such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is significant and has a profound effect on the Creative Design Process. The widely studied process in Creativity research such as Divergent Thinking (DT), Convergent Thinking (CT), and Analogical Thinking (AT) can describe the Creative Design during the process of producing and the implementation of ideas. The article employs the Descriptive Phenomenological method by collecting verbalized data from seven participants who are at the time of this study are enrolled in a Design Course, specifically Graphic Design. Three design projects are designed specifically to collect verbalized data through the think-aloud and stimulated recall method. Another data source that is used to support interpretation are screen recordings of the of the participants Creative Design process. The findings include seven themes that are associated with the experience of Creative Design and are used to describe the Creative Design Process with CAD through DT, CT, and AT and their relationship through the transformations of conceptual knowledge and technical skills. The article then discusses the role of Conceptual and Technical Knowledge that went through the process of selection and mapping in AT to induce DT and CT in ideation and its expansion through the process of learning. Finally, the article will present the limitations of this study and suggestions for future research.

Keywords: Creative Design Process; Divergent Thinking; Convergent Thinking; Analogical Thinking; Computer-Aided Design (CAD)



Penggunaanjenisteknologiseperti ‘Computer-Aided Design’ (CAD) adalah ketara dan memberi kesan kepada Proses Rekaan Kreatif. Proses pemikiran kreatif yang biasa dibincangkan di dalam kajian Kreativiti seperti ‘Divergent Thinking’ (DT), ‘Convergent Thinking’ (CT) dan ‘Analogical Thinking’ (AT) dapat menjelaskan Proses Rekaan Kreatif dalam menghasilkan dan melaksanakan idea. Kajian kualitatif ini menggunakan kaedah ‘Descriptive Phenomenology’ dengan mengumpulkan ‘verbalized data’ dari tujuh peserta, dimana ketika kajian ini dijalankan sedang melalui pembelajaran kursus Rekaan Grafik. Data bagi kajian ini diperoleh secara ‘verbalized’ melalui kaedah ‘think-aloud’ dan ‘stimulated recall’ melalui tiga projek rekaan yang berbeza dengan menggunakan perisian CAD tertentu. Kajian ini mengumpul juga data didalam bentuk yang lain seperti rakaman skrin. Ia digunakan sebagai sokongan untuk menginterpretasi Proses Rekaan Kreatif. Hasil dapatan kajian telah mendedahkan tujuh tema yang dialami oleh peserta kajian yang dimana ia berkai t rapat dengan Proses Rekaan Kreatif. Tema ini juga merangkumi penjelasan proses kreativiti dengan CAD melalui DT, CT dan AT yang dihubungkan melalui transformasi maklumat konsepsual dan teknikal. Dari tema tersebut, artikel ini membincangkan pula peranan maklumat Konseptual (Conceptual Knowledge) dan teknikal (Technical Knowledge) yang melalui proses ‘analogical selection’ dan ‘analogical mapping’untuk mendorong DT dan CT di dalam pembentukan idea dan pengembangannya melalui proses pembelajaran. Artikel ini diakhiri dengan penjelasan beberapa batasan kajian dan cadangan untuk kajian di masa hadapan.

Kata kunci: Creative Design Process; Divergent Thinking; Convergent Thinking; Analogical Thinking; Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

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