Things are Not What They Seem: Semai Economy in the 1980s

ALBERTO G. GOMES (Universiti Malaya,


This article attempts a re-evaluation of the general view that Orang Asli society consists of nomadic peasants, hunters, and gatherers who are very minimally involved with the wider economic market. Because o f this, it has been argued that the society continues to be backward. This writer rejects this view and cites the example of the Semai of Tapah in the state of Perak, Malaysia who are no longer dependent on subsistence activities. It is pointed out that infact they are very greatly dependent on the market outside. This is evidenced by the finding that at least 88% of the food is bought from outside the community.


Artikel ini cuba memberikan penilaian semula terhadap tanggapan umum berhubung dengan status ekonomi masyarakat Orang Asli yang biasanya digambarkan sebagai masyarakat petani pindah, pemburu dan pengumpul hasil hutan yang sedikit sekali terlibat dengan ekonomi pasaran. Justeru keadaan yang demikian masyarakat tersebut dianggap mundur. Kajian ini menolak tanggapan tersebut. Penults telah membuktikan bahawa masyarakat Semai di Tapah, Perak, Malaysia yang dikajinya tidak lagi merupakan kumpulan masyarakat yang bergantung kepada kegiatan ekonomi sara diri. Sebaliknya denganpenemuan yang menunjukkan lebih daripada 88% bahan-bahan keperluan makanan mereka dibeli dari pasar.

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