The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching in the Classroom

BAHIYAH ABDUL HAMID (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


In the attempt to call the attention of Malaysian English language teachers to the Communicative Approach to language teaching, this article asserts the need for the reemergence of the Communicative Approach to language teaching in Malaysian classrooms as opposed to the traditional patterns of language teaching still widely used in many classrooms throughout Malaysia. A new model within the Communicative Approach to language teaching is proposed. This model affirms that the Communicative Approach to language teaching is a viable approach which allows as well as encourages students autonomous interaction in the classroom through genuine communication in stead of participating in teacher manipulated and structured activities.


Kertas ini menitikberatkan pendekatan 'Communicative' sebagai pendekatan yang lebih berkesan sekiranya dibandingkan dengan pendekatan-pendekatan tradisional di dalam kaedah pengajaran bahasa Inggeris di Malaysia. Penulis telah mencadangkan satu model baru di dalam konteks pendekatan 'Communicative' di mana model ini membuktikan pendekatan 'Communicative' sebagai satu kaedah pengajaran yang menggalakkan pelajar-pelajar berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan lebih berkesan.

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