Pengetahuan Kaunselor dalam Memahami Klien Gay dan Lesbian (Counselors’ Knowledge in Understanding Gay and Lesbian Clients)

Siti Hajar Jamal, Nasrudin Subhi, Salleh Amat


Kompetensi adalah satu aspek penting dalam menjamin tahap profesionalisme seseorang kaunselor. Kompetensi kaunselor dinilai berdasarkan tiga aspek utama iaitu pengetahuan, kemahiran dan nilai. Kaunselor yang kompeten perlu mempunyai pengetahuan yang fleksibel, realistik, dan berpandangan luas dalam sesi kaunseling. Justeru, objektif kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti sejauh manakah pengetahuan yang dikuasai oleh kaunselor dalam mengendalikan kes gay dan lesbian. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan ialah secara kualitatif melalui teknik persampelan bertujuan. Seramai 15 orang peserta kajian yang terdiri daripada kaunselor berdaftar telah ditemu bual secara mendalam. Kesemua mereka berpengalaman mengendalikan sesi kaunseling dengan klien gay dan lesbian. Data dianalisis dengan cara meneliti trankripsi rakaman temu bual dan mengenal pasti tema pengetahuan yang muncul berdasarkan objektif kajian dengan bantuan program Nvivo 11. Sebanyak lima sub tema utama telah dikenal pasti: (i) pengetahuan aspek teori dan psikologi, (ii) maklumat latar belakang isu gay dan lesbian, (iii) identiti dan istilah, (vi) kesihatan mental dan (v) kaunseling silang budaya. Kesimpulannya seorang kaunselor perlu berpengetahuan luas bukan sahaja dalam bidang kaunseling malah turut berpengetahuan dalam isu-isu yang melibatkan golongan gay dan lesbian. Implikasi kajian ini dapat meningkatkan tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan seseorang kaunselor sekiranya mahu memberikan perkhidmatan kaunseling kepada golongan gay dan lesbian. Selain itu, dapatan kajian diharap dapat membantu pendidik di bidang kaunseling agar kaunselor yang dilatih lebih kompeten dalam mengendalikan isu gay dan lesbian.

Kata kunci: Pengetahuan; kompetensi; kaunselor; memahami klien gay; lesbian


Competency is an important expect to ensure the level of professionalism of a counselor. Competency counselor rated according to three main compenents which are knowledged, skills and attitude. A competent counselor should have flexible, realistic and wide-ranging knowledge in counseling session. Therefore, the objective of the study conducted is to identify to what extent does the knowledge possessed by counselors’ in handling gay and lesbian clients. The methodology used in-depth interview method through purposive sampling technique. A total of 15 study participants consisted of registered counselors were interviewed in depth. All of them are experienced in counseling sessions with clients gay and lesbian Data were analyzed by examining the interview recordings transcription and identifying the emerging theme based on the study objective with the help of Nvivo 11 software. Generally, this interview data analysis shows that there are five main themes: (i) theoretical and psychological aspects of knowledge, (ii) background information on gay and lesbian issue, (iii) terms and identity, and (vi) mental health and (v) cross-cultural counseling. In conclusion, a counselor should be knowledgeable not only in the field of counseling but also knowledgeable in issues involving gays and lesbians. The study implication is so that it can increase the counselor’s awareness level and knowledge if he or she wishes to provide counseling services to these gay and lesbian individuals. Apart from that, findings of the study are expected to assist educators who work in counseling field so that the trained counselors are more competent in handling gay and lesbian issue.

Keywords: Knowledge; competency; counsellor; understanding gay; lesbian client

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