Pengaruh Siam dan Buddha Terhadap Sistem Kepercayaan Tradisional Orang Melayu Kelantan

MOHAMED YUSOFF ISMAIL (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


The Siamese minority group, Buddha temples and monks have exerted considerable influence on certain aspects of Malay belief system of Kelantan. Several Buddha and Siamese belief elements have long been accepted by the Malays, typically those related to white and black magic, involving the use of charm medicine and various forms of healing techniques. The Malays are also noted for their frequent visit to seek the help of monks in dealing with victims of sorcery. This paper attempts to examine from the anthropological perspective two types of Siamese and Buddhist magical practitioners: the monks as practitioners of white magic, and the laity as practitioners of black magic. Both types of practioners seem to have a strong place in Kelantanese society because of their readiness to give services to the local Malay clientele.


Masyarakat minoriti Siam, institusi biara dan bikhu banyak mempengaruhi aspek tertentu sistem kepercayaan masyarakat Melayu Kelantan. Beberapa elemen Buddha dan Siam diterimapakai oleh orang Melayu, terutama sekali dalam amalan magis gelap (black magic), termasuk ilmu guna-guna, ubat pengasih, ubat pembenci dan kaedah menilik nasib. Selain itu orang Melayu mendapatkan bantuan perubatan tradisional daripada bikhu, terutama sekali bagi mengendalikan penyakit yang berpunca daripada perbuatan jahat oleh orang lain. Kertas ini melihat dari sudut antropologi kedudukan dua golongan utama pengamal magis Siam dan Buddha: pertama, golongan bikhu sebagai sumber magis murni; kedua, golongan bukan-bikhu sebagai pengamal magis gelap. Kedua-dua golongan ini mendapat tempat dalam sistem kepercayaan Melayu kerana keterbukaan mereka dalam memberikan perkhidmatan perbomohan kepada orang Melayu tempatan.

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