Cultural Constructions of Abortion

SITI FATHILAH KAMALUDDIN (University of California,


Malaysian women's constructions of abortion suggest differences from their counterparts in the West. Malaysian women place importance on the cleansing and regulating aspects of triggering menstrual flows. Pre-pregnancy termination interventions such as taking herbs, pills, hormonal injections and other private attempts to bring on menstruation underscore the menstrual regulating aspects of abortion. Local abortion terminology varies by ethnicity. Most Malay women use the terms "cuci" (cleanse) and "buang" (discard) to describe having pregnancy terminations. Many Chinese women use the terms "la sum bo lai" (my period has not come) or "say ginna" (wash child) when requesting pregnancy terminations. Indian women might say "vayiru kaluvanum" (I need stomach washing, I have no period). Additionally, postpregnancy termination healing processes suggest that some Malaysian women view abortion as a form of interrupted childbirth.


Pembentukan realiti pengguguran di kalangan wanita di Malaysia berbeza daripada yang timbul di kalangan wanita barat. Di Malaysia, penekanan diberikan kepada proses pembersihan dan kawalan aliran haid. Penamatan kehamilan melalui intervensi seperti penggunaan bahan herba, pil dan suntikan hormon dan juga cara-cara lain untuk mengawal haid sedia digunakan untuk pengguguran. Terminologi pengguguran tempatan di Malaysia berbeza mengikut keturunan etnik. Di kalangan wanita Melayu penggunaan perkataan "cuci" dan "buang" seringkali digunakan sebagai deskripsi penamatan kehamilan. Wanita Cina pula selesa dengan "la sum bo lai" (haid tidak datang lagi) ataupun "say ginna" (cuci anak) apabila mengemukakan permintaan supaya kandungan itu digugur. Wanita India menggunakan perkataan "vayiru kaluvanum" (saya perlu basuh perut, haid saya tidak datang). Adalah tidak tepat jikalau proses pasca pengguguran itu dilihat di kalangan sesetengah wanita di Malaysia sebagai satu bentuk penundaan kelahiran.

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