Diaspora dan Masalah Identiti Sikh di Malaysia

SARJIT SINGH A/L DARSHAN SINGH (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, sarjit@putra.upm.edu.my)


This research note discusses Sikh diaspora and the identity of the Sikh community in Malaysia. The Sikh migration from India to other countries including Malaysia has posed problems with regard to the preservation of their identity. An identity crisis among the Sikh occurs in the process of their adaptation with the local community's economy, social life, culture, and politics. Sikh identity which is represented by the usage of the 5K symbol is increasingly exposed to the influence of various local ethnic cultures. While a section of the Sikh community attempts to preserve their identity, others namely the young generation, have discarded some aspects of it and have adopted new identity symbols.

Key words: Sikh diaspora, identity, 5K symbols, religion


Nota penyelidikan ini membincangkan diaspora Sikh dan masalah identiti di kalangan komuniti Sikh di Malaysia. Migrasi orang Sikh dari India ke negara-negara lain termasuk Malaysia menimbulkan pelbagai masalah dalam usaha mengekalkan identiti Sikh. Krisis identiti ini muncul dalam proses penyesuaian orang Sikh dengan komuniti tempatan dari segi ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan politik. Identiti Sikh yang dilambangkan oleh pemakaian simbol 5K semakin terdedah kepada pengaruh budaya etnik masyarakat setempat. Sementara sebahagian daripada komuniti Sikh berusaha mengekalkan identiti mereka, sebahagian yang lain, khususnya generasi muda, sudah mula meninggalkan beberapa aspek identiti Sikh dan membentuk simbol identiti baru.

Kata kunci: diaspora Sikh, identiti, simbol 5K, agama


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