The Malay Language and Ethnic Identity in Modern Malaysia

JAMES T. COLLINS (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,, ZAHARANI AHMAD (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


Colonial discourse about the Malay language and the Malay ethnic group were often at odds with each other. Yet, this conflicting, orientalistic mythology about "Malay" still functions in contemporary discussions about language and ethnicity in Malaysia. This essay aims at constructing a new vantage point from which to view Malay. Instead of focusing on its uniqueness, Malay is seen within the context of its language neighbourhood, that is its relationship to Malaysia's other Malayo-Polynesian languages, Malaysia's non-Malayo-Polynesian languages and the diverse regional and social dialects of Malay in Malaysia. Instead of discussing Malay as apolitical, nationstate phenomenon, Malay is considered as a demographic, emblematic and negotiated phenomenon. We must find new ways of looking at and talking about Malay language and Malay ethnicity; we need to produce new knowledge, not merely repeat colonial myths.

Key words: colonial discourse, Malay language, ethnic identity, Malayo-Polynesia


Wacana kolonial tentang bahasa dan bangsa Melayu sering saling bercanggah. Namun, mitos orientalistik yang bertentangan itu masih berperan dalam perbincangan hari ini tentang bahasa dan jati diri di Malaysia. Tulisan ini bertujuan mencari perspektif baru untuk melihat "Melayu". Bukan keunikan bahasa Melayu yang akan ditekankan, tetapi keberkaitannya dalam lingkungan bahasanya, maksudnya hubungan bahasa Melayu dengan segala bahasa Melayu- Polinesia dan non-Melayu-Polinesia yang dituturkan di Malaysia serta pelbagai dialek Melayu sosial dan regional di Malaysia. Bukan bahasa Melayu sebagai fenomenon politik dalam pembinaan negara yang hendak ditinjau, tetapi sebagai fenomenon demografi, perlambangan dan persetujuan. Kita wajar mencari pendekatan baru untuk menyemak bahasa dan etnisiti Melayu; kita wajib menghasilkan ilmu baru, bukan hanya sekadar mengulang-ulangi mitologi kolonial.

Kata kunci: wacana kolonial, bahasa Melayu, identiti etnik, Melayu-Polinesia

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