Colonial Knowledge, Invention and Reinvention of Malay Identity in Pre-Independence Malaya: A Retrospect

CALLISTUS FERNANDEZ (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


This paper discusses how Malay identify in the pre-colonial era was ruler centred and specific towards kingdoms of Malaccan descent changed to become a 'bangsa Melayu' encompassing all the definitive peoples of Malaya under the name of Malay. The crucial break between an identity which was kerajaan centred and a larger imagined Malay ethnic came with the introduction and expansion of colonial knowledge. Colonial knowledge in essence played a catalytic role in providing new notions of what constituted Malayness and its attributing characteristics. Similarly, the dominant position of colonial knowledge introduced a common history of origin among the Malays, a geographical boundary, the emphasis on Malay special rights and racial politics and the promotion of education and print culture among the Malays. The introduction of these modern gesellschaft features promoted a sense of unity among the Malays and created an imagined larger community which was 'bangsa' orientated. This was further enhanced through the struggle for Malaya's independence.

Key words: ethnie, bangsa, colonial knowledge, identity


Artikel ini membincangkan bagaimana identiti Melayu pada zaman prakolonial yang berpusatkan raja dan khusus berdasarkan kerajaan keturunan Melaka berubah untuk menjadi bangsa Melayu yang meliputi semua kaum peribumi di Malaya yang memakai nama Melayu. Penyebab utama kepada perubahan ini ialah pengenalan dan perkembangan ilmu kolonial. Ilmu ini mencetuskan idea baru mengenai pengkonsepsian Melayu dengan menekankan sejarah asal-usul kedatangan orang Melayu ke Tanah Melayu, penentuan sempadan geografi, mengutamakan hak istimewa orang Melayu, pengenalan politik perkauman, serta kemudahan pendidikan dan pengenalan media cetak. Ciri-ciri gesellschaft ini memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk perpaduan di kalangan orang Melayu sehingga tercetusnya satu komuniti lebih besar yang diimaginasikan yang berpusatkan bangsa. Rasa sebangsa ini ditingkatkan lagi melalui perjuangan untuk kemerdekaan Malaya.

Kata kunci: ethnie, hangsa, pengetahuan kolonial, identiti

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