Ideological-Structural Analysis of External Influences on Current Human Rights Discourses in Malaysia

CAROLINA LOPEZ C. (Tecnologico de Monterrey University,


In Malaysia the government of Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and members ofthe country's opposition are currently engaged in a lively debate concerning basic human rights (HR). Major players in the contestation of the State's HR policies are political leaders and Reformasi activists, as well as several HR-oriented NGOs. The present paper aims to present an analytical tool-the Ideological-Structural Analysis-which asks questions concerning the nature of culture, values, belief systems and the underlying ideology binding human societies together. Having examined the nature of cultural communities, if then attempts to assess how and to what extent outside human rights discourses might serve as a catalyst for current activism found in Malaysia.

Keywords: human rights, ideological-structural analysis, activism, Malaysia


Di Malaysia, kerajaan pimpinan Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan ahli parti-parti pembangkang sedang terlibat dalam suatu perdebatan hangaf mengenai hak asasi manusia. Pelaku-pelaku utama yang mempersoalkan dasar hak asasi manusia pemerintah terdiri daripada pemimpin politik dun aktivis Reformasi, di samping mereka daripada kalangan NGo yang berorientasikan hak asasi manusia. Makalah ini bertujuan mengemukakan suatu alat analisis yang dipanggil Analisis Struktural-Ideologikal, yang meneliti soalan-soalan mengenai sifat budaya, nilai, sistem kepercayaan dun ideologi yang mendasar yang mengikat masyarakat manusia. Setelah meneliti sifat komuniti budaya, makalah ini kemudian cuba menilai hagaimana dan setakat mana wacana hak asasi manusia dari luar mungkin menjadi mangkin bagi aktivisime yang terdapat di Malaysia kini.

Kata kunci: hak manusia, analisis struktural-ideologikal, aktivisme, Malaysia

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